The code in this repository can be used to reproduce the renaming procedure described in Brezine, Clindaniel, Ghezzi, Hyland and Medrano (2024) "A New Naming Convention for Andean Khipus."
The code is written in Python 3.9.12 and all of its dependencies can be installed by running the following in the terminal (with the requirements.txt
file included in this repository):
pip install -r requirements.txt
Once Python is installed, download the current version of the OKR (v1.0.1 -- either via GitHub or Zenodo) and connect to the database via Python's sqlite3
! git clone -b v1.0.1 --single-branch --quiet
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
conn = sqlite3.connect('open-khipu-repository/khipu.db')
def delete_khipu(khipu_to_delete, con):
Description: Deletes khipu corresponding to `khipu_to_delete`
from db (erasing all entries associated with it
in all relevant tables)
Input: khipu_to_delete (khipu_id in db; string of 7 integers),
SQLite3 connection object
Returns: Nothing (prints khipu that has been deleted)
cur = conn.cursor()
script = f'''
(SELECT cord_id
FROM cord
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete}
DELETE FROM knot_cluster
(SELECT cord_id
FROM cord
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete}
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete};
DELETE FROM cord_cluster
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete};
DELETE FROM ascher_cord_color
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete};
DELETE FROM khipu_main
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete};
DELETE FROM primary_cord
WHERE khipu_id = {khipu_to_delete};
print(f'khipu_id {khipu_to_delete} Deleted')
First, we drop the following khipu records that are duplicates of other khipus in the database, or are blank/incomplete records (none of these received an OKR_NUM).
# Drop khipu records that are not listed in translation table
khipu_ids_to_delete = [1000594, 1000364, 1000484, 1000498]
for khipu_id in khipu_ids_to_delete:
delete_khipu(khipu_id, conn)
khipu_id 1000594 Deleted
khipu_id 1000364 Deleted
khipu_id 1000484 Deleted
khipu_id 1000498 Deleted
Then, we can add the OKR_NUM column to the KHIPU_MAIN table:
add_okr_num_col = 'ALTER TABLE khipu_main ADD COLUMN OKR_NUM LONGTEXT'
cur = conn.cursor()
...and use the translation table (rewritten as a CSV file in this repository called renaming.csv
) in the Supplemental Appendix to map an OKR_NUM onto each INVESTIGATOR_NUM:
df = pd.read_csv('renaming.csv')
df.loc[:, 'cur_num'] = df.cur_num.apply(lambda x: [i.strip() for i in x.split(",")])
df_explode = df.explode('cur_num') \
okr_num | cur_num | |
0 | KH0001 | LL01 |
1 | KH0001 | UR176 |
2 | KH0002 | AS001 |
3 | KH0003 | AS002 |
4 | KH0004 | AS003 |
for okr_num, investigator_num in df_explode.to_records(index=False):
add_okr_num = f"UPDATE khipu_main SET okr_num='{okr_num}' where investigator_num='{investigator_num}'"
cur = conn.cursor()
# check to make sure it worked
SELECT okr_num, group_concat(investigator_num,"/")
FROM khipu_main
GROUP BY okr_num
''', conn).head()
OKR_NUM | group_concat(investigator_num,"/") | |
0 | KH0001 | LL01/UR176 |
1 | KH0011 | AS010 |
2 | KH0012 | AS011 |
3 | KH0013 | AS012 |
4 | KH0014 | AS013 |
At this point, we need to drop the remaining duplicate entries of khipus (there are 13 duplicate pairings, as per the Supplemental Appendix) and then add the INVESTIGATOR_NUM values that we drop to the canonical reading of each khipu (e.g. the reading that is most complete/most recent). First, let's gather the KHIPU_ID values for the khipus we want to drop and the ones that will serve as our canonical khipu recordings:
khipu_id_drop = pd.read_sql_query('''
SELECT khipu_id
FROM khipu_main
WHERE investigator_num IN
khipu_id_keep = pd.read_sql_query('''
SELECT khipu_id, okr_num
FROM khipu_main
WHERE investigator_num IN
Then, we can delete the khipus that are duplicates...
for khipu_id in khipu_id_drop.values.flatten():
delete_khipu(khipu_id, conn) #13 deleted
khipu_id 1000016 Deleted
khipu_id 1000095 Deleted
khipu_id 1000102 Deleted
khipu_id 1000153 Deleted
khipu_id 1000175 Deleted
khipu_id 1000181 Deleted
khipu_id 1000202 Deleted
khipu_id 1000237 Deleted
khipu_id 1000281 Deleted
khipu_id 1000286 Deleted
khipu_id 1000334 Deleted
khipu_id 1000360 Deleted
khipu_id 1000471 Deleted
And update the INVESTIGATOR_NUM entries for the khipus that we are keeping as canonical readings:
df.loc[:, 'agg_inv_num'] = df.cur_num.apply(lambda x: '/'.join(x))
agg_inv_num_df = khipu_id_keep.merge(df, left_on='OKR_NUM', right_on='okr_num')
agg_inv_num_df[['okr_num', 'agg_inv_num']]
okr_num | agg_inv_num | |
0 | KH0033 | AS031/UR1031/UR044 |
1 | KH0032 | AS030/UR043 |
2 | KH0083 | AS070/UR035 |
3 | KH0268 | UR036/UR133 |
4 | KH0351 | UR115/UR126 |
5 | KH0067 | AS056/UR163 |
6 | KH0228 | AS208/UR083 |
7 | KH0001 | LL01/UR176 |
8 | KH0198 | AS181/UR236 |
9 | KH0058 | AS047/HP035 |
10 | KH0049 | AS038/HP036 |
11 | KH0057 | AS046/HP041 |
12 | KH0081 | AS068/UR281 |
agg_inv_array = agg_inv_num_df[['KHIPU_ID', 'agg_inv_num']].to_records(index=False)
for khipu_id, agg_inv_num in agg_inv_array:
update_inv_num = f"UPDATE khipu_main SET investigator_num='{agg_inv_num}' where khipu_id='{khipu_id}'"
cur = conn.cursor()
Confirm that there are 619 unique okr_num
entries and that the investigator_num updates were performed correctly:
khipu_main = pd.read_sql_query(f'''SELECT *
FROM khipu_main
''', conn)
print("There are {} unique OKR_NUM entries".format(len(khipu_main.OKR_NUM)))
khipu_main.loc[khipu_main.KHIPU_ID.isin(agg_inv_num_df.KHIPU_ID), ['OKR_NUM','INVESTIGATOR_NUM']]
There are 619 unique OKR_NUM entries
95 | KH0033 | AS031/UR1031/UR044 |
99 | KH0032 | AS030/UR043 |
265 | KH0083 | AS070/UR035 |
297 | KH0268 | UR036/UR133 |
306 | KH0351 | UR115/UR126 |
359 | KH0067 | AS056/UR163 |
362 | KH0228 | AS208/UR083 |
455 | KH0001 | LL01/UR176 |
507 | KH0198 | AS181/UR236 |
524 | KH0058 | AS047/HP035 |
525 | KH0049 | AS038/HP036 |
529 | KH0057 | AS046/HP041 |
605 | KH0081 | AS068/UR281 |
Finally, there are several updates to provenance and museum numbers that need to be made as corrections to the original readings in the DB.
updates (from Supplemental Appendix)
provenance_updates = [
('KH0085', 'Rancho San Juan, Ica Valley'),
('KH0086', 'Rancho San Juan, Ica Valley')
for okr_num, new_provenance in provenance_updates:
update_provenance = f"UPDATE khipu_main SET provenance='{new_provenance}' where okr_num='{okr_num}'"
cur = conn.cursor()
khipu_main = pd.read_sql_query(f'''SELECT *
FROM khipu_main
WHERE okr_num IN
{tuple(i[0] for i in provenance_updates)}
''', conn)
khipu_main[['OKR_NUM', 'PROVENANCE']]
0 | KH0086 | Rancho San Juan, Ica Valley |
1 | KH0085 | Rancho San Juan, Ica Valley |
updates (from Supplemental Appendix):
museum_num_updates = [
('KH0120', 'VA24370(A)'),
('KH0121', 'VA24370(B)'),
('KH0142', 'VA63042(A)'),
('KH0143', 'VA63042(B)'),
('KH0189', 'VA16145(A)'),
('KH0190', 'VA16145(B)'),
('KH0193', 'VA37859(A)'),
('KH0194', 'VA37859(B)'),
('KH0197', 'VA66832'),
('KH0264', 'TM 4/5446'),
('KH0265', 'TM 4/5446'),
('KH0273', '32.30.30/53(A)'),
('KH0348', '1924.18.0001'),
('KH0349', '1931.37.0001'),
('KH0437', 'VA42597(A)'),
('KH0438', 'VA42597(B)'),
('KH0441', 'VA47114c(A)'),
('KH0442', 'VA47114c(B)'),
('KH0443', 'VA47114c(C)'),
('KH0447', 'VA16141(A)'),
('KH0448', 'VA16141(B)'),
('KH0450', 'VA42508(A)'),
('KH0451', 'VA42508(B)'),
('KH0458', 'VA47114b'),
('KH0463', 'VA44677a(A)'),
('KH0464', 'VA44677a(B)'),
('KH0468', 'VA63038(A)'),
('KH0469', 'VA63038(B)'),
('KH0478', 'VA42607(A)'),
('KH0479', 'VA42607(B)'),
('KH0480', 'VA42607(C)'),
('KH0481', 'VA42607(D)'),
('KH0484', 'VA42578i28'),
('KH0535', 'MSP 1389/RN 43370'),
('KH0558', 'MSP 1422/RN 43403'),
('KH0567', 'MNAAHP 4202'),
('KH0587', 'MNAAHP 30564'),
('KH0588', 'B397/T41299.22'),
('KH0589', 'B376/T41299.23'),
('KH0590', 'B388/T41299.24'),
('KH0591', 'B378/T41299.25'),
('KH0592', 'B377/T41299.26'),
('KH0593', 'B384/T41299.27'),
('KH0594', 'B372/T41299.28'),
('KH0595', 'B367/T41299.29'),
('KH0596', 'B366/T41299.30'),
('KH0597', 'B374/T41299.31'),
('KH0598', 'B375/T41299.32'),
('KH0599', 'B391/T41299.20'),
('KH0600', 'B369/T41299.33.A-B'),
('KH0601', 'B399/T41299.34'),
('KH0602', 'B373/T41299.18'),
('KH0603', 'B383&B383A/T41299.35.A-B'),
('KH0604', 'B395/T41299.36'),
('KH0605', 'B382/T41299.37'),
('KH0606', 'B371/T41299.38'),
('KH0405', '41.0/1550, B/3453A')
for okr_num, new_museum_num in museum_num_updates:
update_museum_num = f"UPDATE khipu_main SET museum_num='{new_museum_num}' where okr_num='{okr_num}'"
cur = conn.cursor()
khipu_main = pd.read_sql_query(f'''SELECT *
FROM khipu_main
WHERE okr_num IN
{tuple(i[0] for i in museum_num_updates)}
''', conn)
khipu_main[['OKR_NUM', 'MUSEUM_NUM']]
0 | KH0120 | VA24370(A) |
1 | KH0121 | VA24370(B) |
2 | KH0190 | VA16145(B) |
3 | KH0142 | VA63042(A) |
4 | KH0143 | VA63042(B) |
5 | KH0273 | 32.30.30/53(A) |
6 | KH0189 | VA16145(A) |
7 | KH0193 | VA37859(A) |
8 | KH0194 | VA37859(B) |
9 | KH0197 | VA66832 |
10 | KH0349 | 1931.37.0001 |
11 | KH0264 | TM 4/5446 |
12 | KH0265 | TM 4/5446 |
13 | KH0348 | 1924.18.0001 |
14 | KH0535 | MSP 1389/RN 43370 |
15 | KH0558 | MSP 1422/RN 43403 |
16 | KH0589 | B376/T41299.23 |
17 | KH0591 | B378/T41299.25 |
18 | KH0590 | B388/T41299.24 |
19 | KH0592 | B377/T41299.26 |
20 | KH0593 | B384/T41299.27 |
21 | KH0594 | B372/T41299.28 |
22 | KH0595 | B367/T41299.29 |
23 | KH0596 | B366/T41299.30 |
24 | KH0597 | B374/T41299.31 |
25 | KH0598 | B375/T41299.32 |
26 | KH0599 | B391/T41299.20 |
27 | KH0601 | B399/T41299.34 |
28 | KH0602 | B373/T41299.18 |
29 | KH0603 | B383&B383A/T41299.35.A-B |
30 | KH0604 | B395/T41299.36 |
31 | KH0605 | B382/T41299.37 |
32 | KH0606 | B371/T41299.38 |
33 | KH0405 | 41.0/1550, B/3453A |
34 | KH0437 | VA42597(A) |
35 | KH0438 | VA42597(B) |
36 | KH0441 | VA47114c(A) |
37 | KH0442 | VA47114c(B) |
38 | KH0443 | VA47114c(C) |
39 | KH0447 | VA16141(A) |
40 | KH0448 | VA16141(B) |
41 | KH0450 | VA42508(A) |
42 | KH0451 | VA42508(B) |
43 | KH0458 | VA47114b |
44 | KH0463 | VA44677a(A) |
45 | KH0464 | VA44677a(B) |
46 | KH0468 | VA63038(A) |
47 | KH0469 | VA63038(B) |
48 | KH0478 | VA42607(A) |
49 | KH0479 | VA42607(B) |
50 | KH0481 | VA42607(D) |
51 | KH0480 | VA42607(C) |
52 | KH0484 | VA42578i28 |
53 | KH0567 | MNAAHP 4202 |
54 | KH0587 | MNAAHP 30564 |
55 | KH0588 | B397/T41299.22 |