exon_intron_sizes - Scripts to visualise introns and exons sizes across four organisms (human, fly, worm & zebrafish)
intron_pictograms - Scripts to visualise donor and acceptor site pictograms across all human introns
Supplemental Table 1.xlsx
Sheet | Contents |
1 | Curation of intronic indels extracted from ClinVar and LOVD which reduce resultant intron length to ≤ 100 bp. Indels involving the extended donor site (+1 to +5), the predicted branchpoints, or any deletion affecting residues between branchpoint and acceptor (i.e. the polypyrimidine tract were excluded. Branchpoints between 16 – 33 nucleotides of the splice acceptor were curated, corresponding to the 95th percentile for branchpoint-acceptor distance (AG inclusive) among short human introns (≤ 110 bp) determined in 2/3 studies reported in 38-40. The determined38-40, or most strongly predicted branchpoint25, is underlined and bold. |
2 | Curation of 32 introns < 66 nt length extracted from NCBI Refseq |
3 | Curation of introns documented within branch point datasets from38-40, rendering donor-branchpoint distance ≤ 50 nt |