In this project, you can find an easy, ready, and documented implementation for a simple landing page written in Golang and plain SCSS & HTML with best practices.
The project is equipped with all functionality you need to create your own project for rendering a simple website from here. This project uses Clean Architecture
The Clean Architecture was proposed by Robert C. Martin in his book, and two of the most recommended book to read about this topic are (both written by himself):
Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Clean Architecture push us to separate stable business rules (higher-level abstractions, domain layer) from volatile technical details (lower-level details), defining clear boundaries. The main building block is the Dependency Rule: source code dependencies must point only inward, toward higher-level policies.
For OOP, the concept insists on polymorphism (interfaces, or abstract classes) which brings us to dependency inversion. DI allows the source code dependency (the inheritance relationship) to points in the invert direction.
The architecture pattern used in this project is Domain-driven design (DDD), based on clean architecture principles. The main idea is to isolate the domain layer, where all the business logic is happening.
To make that isolation possible, we use interfaces in the domain layer to communicate with other layers. For example, we have repositories for the Database, the mail service, and the Authentification.
In the SCSS
code, we refer to rem
units to measure the elements. That means that all these values will be pointing to the root element font-size
, in our case the html{}
SCSS class.
So, since all margins, height, font-size, and measurements, in general, are in rem units, which means are pointing all to one element, we can implement our media queries in only that element, and then we will have our project being resizable in every measurement, whiteout needed to put media queries all around our code.
The html class is:
html {
font-size: 62.5%;
@media (max-width: 1250px) {
font-size: 55%;
@media (max-width: 650px) {
font-size: 47%;
@media (max-width: 500px) {
font-size: 40%;
@media (max-width: 428px) {
font-size: 35%;
@media (max-width: 375px) {
font-size: 32%;
We only need to implement our media queries here, maintaining our code much more clean and maintainable. And the best of all is that once we implement the media queries in the HTML element, anything we code with the rem unit will be mobile friendly without needed to make anything.
The initial value of 62,5%
is to make calculations easy, since in that value 1rem=10px
, so if we want to make width: 35px;
, its equivalent in rem
is width: 3.5rem;
You can find full explanation why the value is 62,5%
- # = id
- - = siblins
- $ = index variable for when we use * (multiply)
- { } = text inside the HTML
- ( ) = gouping. Inside the brakets will be instructions, and after we can put + for siblins or whatever we want to put
This project is working with any kind of database. Since we use interfaces to isolate layers, the connection between the Database and the application is just an implementation of the interface defined.
All the logic restrictions are in the business logic, you will only need to implement the interface. The implementation available in this project is for a local NoSQL database called BoltHold, here full documentation
We have implemented a custom login, making use of jwt-go tokens and cookies encryption. The implementation is in the repositories
path and we use an interface in the domain layer to separate layers, so we could change this logging for another logging by just implementing the same interface from the domain with another service.
To make effective the methods contained in the interface, we need to use the corresponding middleware, in the case of jwt-go tokens:
Internationalization, often abbreviated as i18n, is the process through which products can be prepared to be taken to other countries. In our case, just mean being able to change the language of the website and show the default language of our user's browser.
The package we use gin-i18n is very simple and effective. You will be using .toml
files, stored in the /media/text/
The allowed names of the files must match the i18n international codes:
af, ar, az, be, bg, bn, bs, ca, cs, cy, da, de, de-AT, de-CH, de-DE, el,
el-CY, en, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB en-IE, en-IN, en-NZ, en-US, en-ZA, en-CY,
en-TT, eo, es, es-419, es-AR, es-CL, es-CO, es-CR, es-EC, es-ES es-MX, es-NI,
es-PA, es-PE, es-US, es-VE, et, eu, fa, fi, fr, fr-CA, fr-CH, fr-FR, gl, he,
hi, hi-IN, hr hu, id, is, it, it-CH, ja, ka, km, kn, ko, lb, lo, lt, lv, mk,
ml, mn, mr-IN, ms, nb, ne, nl, nn, oc, or pa, pl, pt, pt-BR, rm, ro, ru, sk,
sl, sq, sr, st, sw, ta, te, th, tl, tr, tt, ug, ur, uz, vi, wo, zh-CN,
zh-HK, zh-TW, zh-YUE
We need to implement the package as a middleware
We use a middleware called gin-secure to secure our app with strict security settings. Default parameters configure are:
- SSLRedirect
- IsDevelopment
- STSSeconds
- STSIncludeSubdomains
- FrameDeny
- ContentTypeNosniff
- BrowserXssFilter
- ContentSecurityPolicy
- SSLProxyHeaders
You have available different ways of making your code run
Move to the directory of the main.go file
cd app
Get all the dependencies
go get ./...
Run the main.go file
go run main.go
- go mod init
- go mod tidy
Go to the root of the folder, and create the image.
docker build -t nameImage .
Once the image has been created, run the container
docker rum name
With Air, you can reload automatically your Golang code every time you save a file.
Run these commands in this order
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
go get -u
curl -sSfL | sh -s -- -b $(go env GOPATH)/bin
alias air='$(go env GOPATH)/bin/air'
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
alias air='$(go env GOPATH)/bin/air'
If you have a permission denied error, run the following
chmod u+x air
If we want to use the hot reload with the make file, write
make watch
The main_test.go
file is in the app/
We have 2 parts in the documentation, which are the API of the backend, and the technical documents about the project itself. Both use cross-language and cross-platform tools and standards, so you can apply this technology for documentation in any project of any language.
To have consistency across projects, we rely on the OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger Specification). Is an API description format for REST APIs. An OpenAPI file allows you to describe your entire API, including:
- Available endpoints (/users) and operations on each endpoint (GET /users, POST /users)
- Operation parameters Input and output for each operation
- Authentication methods
- Contact information, license, terms of use, and other information.
To see the generated documentation, you can run the project and visit http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html
To initiate the documentation for the first time:
From app/
swag init
A cool article about Swagger in Golang here
If you get ERROR: swag: command not found
then run
export PATH=$(go env GOPATH)/bin:$PATH
PlantUML is an open-source project, that allows you to create technical documentation for your project, and will transform this code:
!define DARKBLUE
class ParentClass {
This is How to draw a line
This is how to draw a dot line
+String PublicAttribute
#String ProtectedAttribute
-int PrivateAttribute
~int PackageProtectedAttribute
--[Line with comment]--
int Phone
String Apellidos
--[line with comment]--
..[Dot line with comments]..
class ChildClass {
+String Name
class ChildClassTwo {
+String Name
note left: This is a note \n on the <b>left</b>
class ChildClassThree {
+String Name
note right: This is a note \n on the <b>right</b>
' Changing the type of union
ParentClass <|-- ChildClass
ParentClass *-- ChildClassTwo
ChildClass <-- ChildClassTwo
ChildClass o-- ChildClassThree
Into this diagram:
- Sequence diagram
- Usecase diagram
- Class diagram
- Object diagram
- Activity diagram (here is the legacy syntax)
- Component diagram
- Deployment diagram
- State diagram
- Timing diagram
- Install Java in our Computer
- Install GraphViz
- Install the PlantUML Extension for our IDE
- You can find rich and full examples of how to define different diagrams here
- Custom style used here
- Official documentation
- Full detail documentation here