A Wireshark plugin for GoIM protocol
Just copy goim.lua
to Wireshark plugin folder ~/.config/wireshark/plugins/
and then start wireshark.
Default is listen on port 8071. You can change port as you wish.
tcp_encap_table:add(8071, go_proto)
-- GOIM 定义协议
local op_codes = {
[4] = "OP_SEND_SMS",
[7] = "OP_AUTH",
[8] = "OP_AUTH_REPLY",
[100] = "OP_REPORT_VIEW_ID",
[102] = "OP_CLIENT_CMD",
local goim_proto = Proto("GOIM-Bin", "GO IM Binary Protocol.");
local p_len = ProtoField.uint32("Goim.length", "Package Length", base.DEC)
local p_header_len = ProtoField.uint16("Goim.header_len", "Header Length", base.DEC)
local p_version = ProtoField.uint16("Goim.version", "Version", base.DEC)
local p_op = ProtoField.uint32("Goim.op", "Operation", base.DEC, op_codes)
local p_seq = ProtoField.uint32("Goim.squence", "Sequence", base.DEC)
local p_payload = ProtoField.string("Goim.payload","Payload")
goim_proto.fields = {p_len, p_header_len, p_version, p_op, p_seq, p_payload}
-- 协议分析函数
function goim_proto.dissector(buf, pkt, root)
-- 是否可以解析package_length
local buf_len = buf:len();
if buf_len < 4 then return false end
-- 是否包是否完整
local package_length = buf(0, 4):uint();
if package_length < buf:len() then return false end
local t = root:add(goim_proto, buf(0,package_length), "GoIM Binary")
pkt.cols.protocol = "GOIM"
pkt.cols.info = "seq="..buf(12,4):uint()..", op=" .. op_codes[buf(8,4):uint()]
-- 协议解析
t:add(p_len, buf(0,4))
t:add(p_header_len, buf(4,2))
t:add(p_version, buf(6,2))
t:add(p_op, buf(8,4))
t:add(p_seq, buf(12,4))
t:add(p_payload, buf(16, package_length - 16))
return true
local tcp_encap_table = DissectorTable.get("tcp.port")
tcp_encap_table:add(8071, goim_proto)
goim-desector is available free of change under the Open Source license, along with the MIT license.