FaintCOS: Improved background subtraction and co-adding code for CALCOS
Authors: Kirill Makan, Gabor Worseck
We used the following version of the software
- python 3.7.3 with astropy 4.0.1, scipy 1.3.1, numpy 1.17.3
- CALCOS 3.3.9
- GCC 7.4.0 (required for the calculation of the Feldman & Cousins uncertainties, see Section 5)
There is no guarantee that FaintCOS will work properly with other versions.
We caution that the default reduction parameters, such as primary science apertures (PSA) and pulse height amplitude (PHA) limits, are optimized for faint point sources. For the extended sources, you most likely have to adapt these parameters. Please, use "plot_datasets_info.py" to check 2D spectra and PHA distributions (see Sections 1 and 6).
Download uncalibrated darkframes and associated calibration/reference files from https://archive.stsci.edu/hst/search.php For this, make the following changes in the standard form:
Target Name: "DARK" Resolver: Don't Resolve Select Imagers: COS Start Time: "> YYYY-MM-DD" (earliest science data start time - DARK_EXPSTART_INTERVAL, see Section 4). Uncheck "Science" and select "Calibration" User-specified field 1: select "Start Time" and write "< YYYY-MM-DD" (latest science data start time + DARK_EXPSTART_INTERVAL, see Section 4). User-specified field 2: select "Instrument Config" and write "COS/FUV"
Search for the darkframes by clicking "Search". All available darks should be now listed in a table. Click "Mark all" and then "Submit marked data for retrieval from STDADS". A new window will open and show the retrieval form. Uncheck "Calibrated" and select "Used Reference Files" and "Uncalibrated". Send the retrieval request anonymously or, if you are registered, with your STScI ID.
Download uncalibrated science data and associated calibration/reference files from https://archive.stsci.edu/hst/search.php Make sure to uncheck "Calibrated" and select "Used Reference Files" and "Uncalibrated" in the retrieval form after you have selected the datasets.
Put all calibration/reference files from darkframes AND science data in one folder (e.g. "calib"). You can easely spot the reference files, because they do not contain a dataset ID in their file name.
Define 'lref' as described in "COS Data Handbook (Version 4.0)" Section 3.6.1
example: export lref="/home/user/Documents/calib/"
Create a new folder for scientific data for every object and resolution (low and medium resolution data should be ALWAYS in different folders)
Check the defined PSA and PHA limits in the faintcos_config.py (add new definitions if necessary). Later (after CALCOS), you can run "plot_datasets_info.py" to check the PSA position and PHA distribution.
Run "pre_calcos.py" with the path to the uncalibrated darkframes (rawtag files) as an argument
example: python pre_calcos.py /home/user/Documents/darkframes/
Copy "exec_calcos_for_darks.py" into the folder with the uncalibrated darkframes and then run it. It will reduce all darkframes and put reduced files in the folder "reduced". (This process can take a while)
Put the reduced darkframes files (corrtag files) in a separate folder and define 'ldark' = path_to_reduced_darkframes, as you defined 'lref'.
Run 'pre_calcos.py" with the path to the folder with uncalibrated data for a single target and resolution (M or L).
example: python pre_calcos.py /home/user/Documents/data/QSO-231145-141752/
Reduce the scientific data with CALCOS
Set the switches (binning, co-adding, wavelength range etc.) in the 'faintcos_config.py' (see Section 4 below)
Run 'post_calcos.py' with the path to the REDUCED science data (corrtags and 1dx files) as an command-line argument (it is the working folder for the pipeline).
example: python post_calcos.py /home/user/Documents/data/reduced_QSO-231145-141752/
All visits and exposures will be listed after you run post_calcos.py. If you want to reduce the listed data, then proceed with the reduction.
After post_calcos.py is done, the reduced files appear in the working folder
The default version of the code calculates the statistical count errors according to Kraft et al. 1991. If you wish to use the more correct Feldman & Cousins 1998 confidence limits instead:
Install CustomConfLim module by running in the CustomConfLimits folder:
"python setup.py build" "python setup.py install"
Set FELDMAN_COUSINS=True in the faintcos_config.py file
"DATASET_dataset_sum.fits" Co-added spectrum for a single data set. Similar to the standard CALCOS x1dsum.fits file but with the improved data reduction.
"TARGETNAME_DATASET_Npx_binned.fits": Binned spectrum of a single dataset in N pixels bins. Number of binned pixels is defined in post_calcos.py with BIN_PX. This file will only be produced if the switch "BIN_VISIT" is set to "True". If there are several data sets in the working folder then the pipeline produces new file for every data set.
"TARGETNAME_spectrum.fits": Co-added and binned spectrum of all data sets in the working folder in BIN_SIZE bins. The width of the bins in angstroms is defined in post_calcos.py with BIN_SIZE. This file will only be produced if the switch "COADD_ALL_VISITS" is set to "True". WARNING!!! Make sure that every data set in the working folder is for the same target and resolution (M or L)!!!
Column Name | Units | Desctiption |
WAVELENGTH | angstrom | Wavelength scale |
FLUX | ergs/s/cm^2/A | Calibrated flux |
FLUX_ERR_UP | ergs/s/cm^2/A | Upper error estimate |
FLUX_ERR_DOWN | ergs/s/cm^2/A | Lower error estimate |
GCOUNTS | counts | Gross counts |
BACKGROUND | counts | Dark current + Scattered light |
BKG_ERR_UP | counts | Upper sys. error for BACKGROUND |
BKG_ERR_DOWN | counts | Lower sys. error for BACKGROUND |
DARK_CURRENT | counts | Estimated dark current model |
DARK_CURRENT_ERR | counts | Sys. error of DARK_CURRENT |
DQ | Data quality flag | |
EXPTIME | seconds | Pixel exposure time |
CALIB | cnts cm^2 A/erg | Flux calibration factor, lin. interpolated NET/FLUX from 1dx files |
FLAT_CORR | Flatfield and deadtime factor, (GROSS - BACKGROUND)/NET from 1dx files | |
LYA_SCATTER | counts | Estimated contamination by Lya, according to Worseck et al. 2016 |
LYA_SCATTER_ERR_UP | counts | Upper error for LYA_SCATTER |
LYA_SCATTER_ERR_DOWN | counts | Lower error for LYA_SCATTER |
- REDUCTION PARAMETERS (faintcos_config.py)
PHA_OPT_ELEM_SEGMENT: Lower and upper threshold for the valid counts (see "COS Data Handbook (Version 4.0)" Section 3.4.9) This parameter should be chosen according to the PHA distribution of the detected photons in the PSA, since it changes with time (see Figure 1.9 in "COS Data Handbook (Version 4.0)" and Worseck et al. 2016).
DARK_EXPSTART_INTERVAL: For every exposure the code searches for darkframes in the time period +/-DARK_EXPSTART_INTERVAL around the exposure date. The value should be given in days. Standard value is 30 days. Can be increased, if there are not enough darkframes in this time interval.
MIN_DARKS: Minimum number of darks that will be selected.
KS_THRESHOLD: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test threshold for the comparison of the cumulative PHA distributions (science vs. darkframe). Only darkframes with KS-test lower than KS_THRESHOLD will be selected. If the number of selected darks is lower than MIN_DARKS than the KS_THRESHOLD will be increased by KS_STEP until sufficient number of darkframes is reached.
KS_STEP: KS_THRESHOLD will be increased with this value if the number of selected darkframes is lower than MIN_DARKS
BKG_AV: The width of the window in pixels for the central moving average to calculate the dark current model. The central moving average is applied on the PSA of the stacked darkframes, which were selected with the KS-Test. Since the algorithm uses central moving average, BKG_AV must be an odd number!
BIN_SIZE: Bin size of the co-added spectrum in Angstrom. It is relevant only if COADD_ALL_VISITS = True.
BIN_PX: Bin size of the binned spectrum for every data set in pixels. It is relevant only if BIN_VISIT = True.
CUSTOM_INTERVAL: If TRUE, the co-add routine will use custom wavelength region for the final co-add of all data sets in the working folder. The regions is defined by WAVE_MIN and WAVE_MAX in Angstrom. It works only for the total co-add of all data sets (COADD_ALL_VISITS = True). If FALSE, the co-add routine will use max. and min. wavelength of all available data.
BIN_DATASET: If TRUE, the spectra for every data set will be binned in BIN_PX pixels and stored in the working folder as TARGETNAME_DATASET_Npx_binned.fits
COADD_ALL_DATASETS: If TRUE, the spectra of all data sets in the working folder will be co-added to a single spectrum with binning size BIN_SIZE Angstrom. !!!FOR THIS TO WORK PROPERLY, MAKE SURE TO HAVE SPECTRA FOR THE SAME OBJECT AND RESOLUTION (M OR L) IN THE WORKING FOLDER!!!
FELDMAN_COUSINS: if TRUE, the pipeline will use the algorithm from Feldman & Cousins 1998 to calculate the statistical count errors in poisonian regime. Otherwise it uses the algorithm from Kraft et al. 1991. For this to work, you need to install the custom C library. (see INSTRUCTIONS)
We provide two methods for the calcualtion of the 1\sigma uncertainties.
- The Bayesian method (Kraft et al. 1991, http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/pdf/1991ApJ...374..344K) with the shortest 68.26% confidence interval. Kraft et al. (1991) provide only the confindence limits. We modified it by assuming that the measured signal is N-B (N - measured counts, B - background counts).
- The frequentist method (Feldman & Cousins 1998, https://arxiv.org/abs/physics/9711021), which use likelihood ratio ordering for the measured signal (N-B). For the unphysical case N<B, we use Monte Carlo simulations to calculate the limits.
Then, the calculated uncertainties are ERR_UP = upper_limit - (N-B) and ERR_DOWN = (N-B) - lower_limit. The uncertainties for the unphysical cases where the signal is negative (the measured counts N is smaller than the background B) should be treated with caution. For this, we suggest to use the "sensitivity" as defined by Feldman & Cousins (1998) which is the upper limit on the poisson distributed background with no signal. FaintCOS does not provide sensitivity calcualtions.
"exec_calcos_for_darks.py": executes CALCOS on dark frames and puts the reduced corrtag files into the "/reduced/" folder. Copy this code into the folder with the downloaded dark frame "rawtag" files and run it.
"plot_datasets_info.py": plots the stacked 2D spectra from the "corrtag" files for each dataset and segment (FUVA/FUVB). Additionally, it plots the histogram for the PHA of the counts in the primary science aperture. The primary science aperture is indicated with dashed red lines in the 2D spectrum. Run the code with the path to the corrtags and 1dx files as command-line argument. The code creates a new subdirectory "/datasets_info" where it stores the resulted 2D spectra. It also creates a .txt file with a table for all corrtags in the diretory.