Running the scripts below will create CSV files within the ‘output’ and ‘output/Forecasting’ directories. Therefore, to ensure the functions run properly, under the current working directory, a directory named ‘output’ and a directory ‘output/Forecasting’ are needed for the codes to run. Also, the following R packages are necessary for executing the codes. If these packages are not yet installed on your machine, kindly proceed to install them.
files = list.files("R/", full.names = TRUE)
sapply(files, source)
cov.name <- c("elevation","distance_water","improved_water",
res <- poisson_model()
res1 <- negbin_model_1()
res2 <- negbin_model_2()
pred_loc <- get_prediction_location()
pred_cov <- get_prediction_covariate()
pred <- predict_poisson_model()
pred1 <- predict_negbin_model_1()
pred2 <- predict_negbin_model_2()
Plot incidence rate from surveillance studies
plt <- figure_1()
# ggsave(plot=plt, file="plots/plot_incidence_rates.png", width=11, height=8,
# units="in")
For Figure 2 and onwards, following computations are required. #### Preliminaries
# Reference shapefiles
afss <- readRDS("data/africa_sub_Sahara_adm0_shp.rds")
afssadm1 <- readRDS("data/africa_sub_Sahara_adm1_shp.rds")
# Functions
# source function would not be needed if the package is loaded
# source("R/ggplot2_theme.R")
# source("R/util.R")
# source("R/map_functions.R")
# # library(raster)
# library(terra)
# variable names for estimates
estim_type <- c("pred", "lower", "upper") # mean, lower bounds, and upper bounds
ag <- c("0_1y", "2_4y", "5_14y", "over14y") # age group
countries <- unique(afssadm1$NAME_0)
Some studies reported incidence rates that do not account for blood culture sensitivity while others reported incidence rates that do. In addition, studies that reported incidence rates accounting for blood culture sensitivity used different sensitivity values. We therefore modeled incidence rates that do not account for BC sensitivity for consistency and later took it into consideration by multiplying the estimates with uniformly 1/0.6
## function to account for blood culture sensitivity
adjust_blood_culture_sensitivity <- function(raster, BCS=0.6, max_IR=1e4){
raster[] <- raster[] / BCS
raster[][raster[] > max_IR] <- max_IR
for (bd in c("pred", "lower", "upper")) {
ir_0_1y <- raster(paste0("data\\Results_20221206\\Final output\\Forecasting_", bd, "_Age_0-1 y_PoiReg.tif"))
ir_2_4y <- raster(paste0("data\\Results_20221206\\NB with Ver2\\Forecasting_", bd, "_Age_2-4 y_NBReg_Stepwise_v6_202212_Ver2.tif"))
ir_5_14y <- raster(paste0("data\\Results_20221206\\NB with Ver2\\Forecasting_", bd, "_Age_5-14 y_NBReg_Stepwise_v6_202212_Ver2.tif"))
ir_over14y <- raster(paste0("data\\Results_20221206\\NB with Ver2\\Forecasting_", bd, "_Age_over 14y_NBReg_Stepwise_v6_202212_Ver2.tif"))
rstlist <- vector("list", length(ag))
rstlist[[1]] <- ir_0_1y
rstlist[[2]] <- ir_2_4y
rstlist[[3]] <- ir_5_14y
rstlist[[4]] <- ir_over14y
for (i in seq_along(rstlist)) {
rst <- adjust_blood_culture_sensitivity(raster = rstlist[[i]])
saveRDS(rst, paste0("output/ir_", bd, "_bc_adj_", ag[i], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
Use the incidence rate by age (original incidence rate estimates) and population size by age (which is original population per pixel [ppp] multiplied by proportion by age by country) on 20 km by 20 km grids. Simply multiply the two to get the number of cases on grids and sum across the grids on the region to get the region-specific number of cases. To get the averaged incidence rate at the regional level, divide the number of cases in the region with the population size of the region, which that is achieved by summing ppp across the region.
Two rasters (ppp and ir_*) have the same resolutions and were not aligned perfectly and therefore, resample is done as ppp for 0-1 yo as the reference
ppp_0_1y <- readRDS(paste0("data/prediction/ppp_", ag[1], "_20km_af_2017_20221208.rds"))
ir_raster_resample <- function(pred, age, ref_raster){
rst <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_", pred, "_bc_adj_", age, "_20230208.rds"))
rst_resampled <- raster::resample(rst, ref_raster, method = 'bilinear')
for(pd in estim_type){
for(a in ag){
rst <- ir_raster_resample(pred=pd, age=a, ref_raster=ppp_0_1y)
saveRDS(rst, paste0("output/ir_resampled_", pd, "_bc_adj_", a, "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
regions <- c("country", "subnational", "subregion")
# region <- regions[2] # as an example
tm <- "20230208"
for(region in regions){
for (j in 1:3) {
irdata <- list()
for (i in 1:4) {
cat("i =", i, ", j =", j, "\n")
ppp <- readRDS(paste0("data/prediction/ppp_", ag[i], "_20km_af_2017_20221208.rds"))
ir <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_resampled_", estim_type[j], "_bc_adj_", ag[i], "_", tm, ".rds"))
res <- IR_by_region(ppp=ppp, ir=ir, region=region, shape=afssadm1)
saveRDS(res$raster, paste0("output/ir_", estim_type[j], "_", region, "_", ag[i], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
irdata[[i]] <- res
saveRDS(irdata, paste0("output/summary_ir_", estim_type[j], "_", region, "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
Use the incidence rate by age (original incidence rate estimates) and population size by age ltiplied by proportion by age by country) on 20 km by 20 km grids. Simply multiply the two to get the number of cases on grids and sum across the region to get the region-specific number of cases. Divide that with the region-specific population size that is achieved by summing ppp across the region.
# overall population size
pppall <- readRDS("data/prediction/ppp_20km_af_2017_20221208.rds")
# case = ir * ppp
# raster template - values will change
rst <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_resampled_", estim_type[1], "_bc_adj_", ag[1], "_20230208.rds"))
for (j in 1:length(estim_type)) {
rst[] <- 0
# sum the number of cases (IR * pop) across age group
for (i in 1:length(ag)) {
ir <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_resampled_", estim_type[j], "_bc_adj_", ag[i], "_20230208.rds"))
ppp <- readRDS(paste0("data/prediction/ppp_", ag[i], "_20km_af_2017_20221208.rds"))
rst[] <- rst[] + (ir[] * ppp[])
# divide with the overall population size
rst[] <- rst[] / pppall[]
names(rst) <- paste0("ir_allage_", estim_type[j])
saveRDS(rst, paste0("output/ir_allage_", estim_type[j], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
# summarize at the country level
regions <- c("country", "subnational", "subregion")
# region <- regions[2]
tm <- "20230208"
for(region in regions) {
for (j in 1:3) {
irdata <- list()
cat("j =", j, "\n")
irall <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_allage_", estim_type[j], "_", tm, ".rds"))
res <- IR_by_region(ppp=pppall, ir=irall, region=region, shape=afssadm1)
saveRDS(res$raster, paste0("output/ir_allage_", region, "_", estim_type[j], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
saveRDS(res, paste0("output/summary_ir_allage_", region, "_", estim_type[j], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
Number of cases are obtained by multiplying the incidence rate per 100000 person-yeras and population per pixel (ppp) for each age group with both on 20 km by 20 km grids
# by age group
tm <- "20230208"
for(j in 1:3) {
for(i in 1:4) {
cat("i =", i, ", j =", j, "\n")
ppp <- readRDS(paste0("data/prediction/ppp_", ag[i], "_20km_af_2017_20221208.rds"))
ir <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_resampled_", estim_type[j], "_bc_adj_", ag[i], "_", tm, ".rds"))
# output raster
caserst <- ir
names(caserst) <- c("Number of predicted cases per grid")
caserst[] <- ir[] * ppp[] / 1e5
saveRDS(caserst, paste0("output/case_", estim_type[j], "_", ag[i], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
# all age groups
# template raster with values changed
rst <- readRDS(paste0("output/case_", estim_type[1], "_", ag[1], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
for(j in 1:3) {
rst[] <- 0
for(i in 1:4) {
rst_age <- readRDS(paste0("output/case_", estim_type[j], "_", ag[i], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
rst[] <- rst[] + rst_age[]
saveRDS(rst, paste0("output/case_allage_", estim_type[j], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
ages <- c(ag, "allage")
tm <- "20230208"
regions <- c("country", "subnational", "subregion")
for (k in 1:length(regions)){
for (j in 1:length(estim_type)) {
reslist <- vector("list", length(ages))
for (i in 1:length(ages)) {
cat("k =", k ,", j =", j,", i =", i, "\n")
r <- readRDS(paste0("output/case_", estim_type[j], "_", ages[i], "_", tm, ".rds"))
res <- case_by_region(case = r, region = regions[k])
saveRDS(res$raster, paste0("output/case_", estim_type[j], "_", regions[k], "_", ages[i], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
reslist[[i]] <- res
saveRDS(reslist, paste0("output/summary_case_", estim_type[j], "_", regions[k], "_", tstamp(), ".rds"))
Plot of predicted versus observed based on the leave-one-out cross-validation
plt <- figure_2()
# fac <- 2
# ggsave(paste0("plots/obs_pred_", tstamp(), ".png"), p, width=3.4*fac,
# height=3.4*fac, units="in")
Calculate the proportion of observations that are within the 95% confidence interval of the predicted value.
dlist <- list()
dlist[[1]] <- fread("data/Prediction_Age_0-1 y_PoiReg.csv")
dlist[[2]] <- fread("data/Prediction_Age_2-4 y_NBReg.csv")
dlist[[3]] <- fread("data/Prediction_Age_5-14 y_NBReg.csv")
dlist[[4]] <- fread("data/Prediction_Age_over 14y_NBReg.csv")
ages <- c("0-1 yo", "2-4 yo", "5-14 yo", "15+ yo")
for (i in 1:4) {
dlist[[i]]$age <- ages[i]
d <- do.call("rbind", dlist)
d$age <- factor(d$age, levels = c("0-1 yo", "2-4 yo", "5-14 yo", "15+ yo"))
for(i in 1:nrow(d)) {
if(d$lower[i] <= d$y[i] & d$upper[i] >= d$y[i]) {
d$included[i] <- 1
} else{
d$included[i] <- 0
d |>
dplyr::group_by(age) |>
dplyr::summarise(prop = sum(included) / n())
# age prop
# <fct> <dbl>
# 1 0-1 yo 0.136
# 2 2-4 yo 0.5
# 3 5-14 yo 0.538
# 4 15+ yo 0.625
Figures are based on the files saved in the output folder. Therefore, the file names have to be adjusted by changing the date part (i.e., 20230208) based on the dates when the codes ran.
for(i in 1:length(ag)){
r <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_pred_subnational_", ag[i], "_20230208.rds"))
# p <- IR_plot(raster=r, color_ramp="RdYlBu", rev=FALSE)
p <- IR_plot(raster=r)
# ggsave(paste0("plots/ir_subnational_pred_", ag[i], "_", tstamp(),".png"),
# p, width=7.4, height=7.4*map_ratio(r), units="in")
r <- readRDS("output/ir_allage_country_pred_20230208.rds")
p <- IR_plot(raster=r)
ggsave(paste0("plots/ir_allage_country_pred_", tstamp(),".png"), p,
width=7.4, height=7.4*map_ratio(r), units="in")
ir_allage <- readRDS("output/ir_allage_pred_20230208.rds") # 20 km by 20 km
ir_allage_cntry <- readRDS("output/ir_allage_country_pred_20230208.rds")
shape <- readRDS("data/africa_sub_Sahara_adm0_shp.rds")
afregions <- data.table::fread("data/africa_subregion_country_names.csv")
areas <- unique(shape$NAME_0)
ccmsc <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=length(areas), ncol=6))
names(ccmsc) <- c("country","cellcount", "mean", "sd", "cv", "country_mean")
ccmsc$country <- areas
for (i in seq_along(areas)) {
poly <- shape[shape$NAME_0 %in% areas[i], ] # SpatialPolygon
irgrid <- raster::extract(ir_allage, poly, df = TRUE, cellnumbers = TRUE)
irgrid_cntry <- raster::extract(ir_allage_cntry, poly, df = TRUE,
cellnumbers = TRUE)
ccmsc$cellcount[i] <- length(irgrid$cell)
ccmsc$mean[i] <- mean(irgrid$ir_allage_pred, na.rm=T)
ccmsc$sd[i] <- sd(irgrid$ir_allage_pred, na.rm=T)
ccmsc$cv[i] <- ccmsc$sd[i] / ccmsc$mean[i]
ccmsc$country_mean[i] <- mean(irgrid_cntry$value, na.rm=T)
meansdcv <- ccmsc
country_abbr <- function(x){
x[x == "Central African Republic"] <- "CAR"
x[x == "Congo, Republic of the"] <- "Congo"
x[x == "Congo, Democratic Republic of the"] <- "DR Congo"
x[x == "Tanzania, United Republic of"] <- "Tanzania"
meansdcv$country_abbr <- country_abbr(meansdcv$country)
myPalette <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "YlOrBr"))
p <- ggplot(meansdcv, aes(x=cv, y=country_mean, color=country_mean, label=country_abbr))+
geom_text_repel(color="black", size=4)+
scale_color_gradientn(trans = "log10",
limits = c(1, 1e4),
breaks = c(1, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4),
colors = myPalette(1e4),
"Incidence rate")+
labs(y="Mean incidence rate per 100000 person-years", x="Coefficient of variation")+
theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = c(0.9,.85))
# p
m <- 0.9
tstamp(),".png"), p, width=7.4*m, height=7.4*m, units="in")
Country-level incidence rates (mean with 95% confidence intervals)
format_mean_95CI <- function(mean_lb_ub, digits) {
pred <- format(round(mean_lb_ub[[1]], digits=digits), big.mark=",", trim=TRUE)
lb <- format(round(mean_lb_ub[[2]], digits=digits), big.mark=",", trim=TRUE)
ub <- format(round(mean_lb_ub[[3]], digits=digits), big.mark=",", trim=TRUE)
paste0(pred, " (", lb , " - ", ub, ")")
pred <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_allage_country_pred_20230208.rds")
lower <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_allage_country_lower_20230208.rds")
upper <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_allage_country_upper_20230208.rds")
estimates <- vector("list", 3)
estimates[[1]] <- pred$data$IR
estimates[[2]] <- lower$data$IR
estimates[[3]] <- upper$data$IR
tab <- data.frame(Country=pred$data$Area, Overall=NA)
tab$Overall <- format_mean_95CI(estimates, digits = 1)
pred <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_pred_country_20230208.rds")
lower <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_lower_country_20230208.rds")
upper <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_upper_country_20230208.rds")
ir_by_age_meanci <- vector("list", length=4) # 4 age groups
for (i in 1:4) {
estimates <- vector("list", 3)
estimates[[1]] <- pred[[i]]$data$IR
estimates[[2]] <- lower[[i]]$data$IR
estimates[[3]] <- upper[[i]]$data$IR
ir_by_age_meanci[[i]] <- format_mean_95CI(estimates, digits = 1)
ir_by_age <- do.call("cbind", ir_by_age_meanci)
tab_all <- cbind(tab, ir_by_age)
names(tab_all) <- c("Country", "Overall", "0-1 yo", "2-4 yo", "5-14 yo", "over 14 yo")
tab_all$Country <- country_abbr(tab_all$Country)
fwrite(tab, paste0("output/IR_by_age_overall_country_tab_", tstamp(), ".csv"))
pred <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_allage_subregion_pred_20230208.rds")
lower <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_allage_subregion_lower_20230208.rds")
upper <- readRDS("output/summary_ir_allage_subregion_upper_20230208.rds")
estimates <- vector("list", 3)
estimates[[1]] <- pred$data$IR
estimates[[2]] <- lower$data$IR
estimates[[3]] <- upper$data$IR
tab <- data.frame(Subregion=pred$data$Area, IR=NA)
tab$IR <- format_mean_95CI(estimates, digits = 1)
fwrite(tab_all, paste0("output/IR_allage_subregion_tab_", tstamp(), ".csv"))
Expected number of cases by country
pred <- readRDS("output/summary_case_pred_country_20230208.rds")
lower <- readRDS("output/summary_case_lower_country_20230208.rds")
upper <- readRDS("output/summary_case_upper_country_20230208.rds")
estimates <- vector("list", 3)
estimates[[1]] <- pred
estimates[[2]] <- lower
estimates[[3]] <- upper
tab <- data.frame(Country=pred[[1]]$data$Area,
for(i in 1:5) {
tab[, i+1] <- format_mean_95CI(list(pred[[i]]$data$Case, lower[[i]]$data$Case, upper[[i]]$data$Case), digits=0)
data.table::fwrite(tab, paste0("output/case_country_tab_", tstamp(), ".csv"))
Expected number of cases by Africa sub-region
pred <- readRDS("output/summary_case_pred_subregion_20230208.rds")
lower <- readRDS("output/summary_case_lower_subregion_20230208.rds")
upper <- readRDS("output/summary_case_upper_subregion_20230208.rds")
estimates <- vector("list", 3)
estimates[[1]] <- pred
estimates[[2]] <- lower
estimates[[3]] <- upper
tab <- data.frame(Subregion=pred[[1]]$data$Area,
for(i in 1:5) {
tab[, i+1] <- format_mean_95CI(list(pred[[i]]$data$Case, lower[[i]]$data$Case, upper[[i]]$data$Case), digits=0)
data.table::fwrite(tab, paste0("output/case_subregion_tab_", tstamp(), ".csv"))
Expected incidence rate at the country level
for(i in 1:length(ag)){
r <- readRDS(paste0("output/ir_pred_country_", ag[i], "_20230208.rds"))
# p <- IR_plot(raster=r, color_ramp="RdYlBu", rev=FALSE)
p <- IR_plot(raster=r)
ggsave(paste0("plots/ir_pred_", ag[i], "_", tstamp(),".png"), p, width=7.4, height=7.4*map_ratio(r), units="in")