Packet Tracer Builder is an extension that allows you to use JavaScript code to create networks.
It provides a code editor window and a set of simple functions that can be called to create, configure, and link devices.
For example:
addLink("R1","GigabitEthernet0/1","S1","GigabitEthernet0/1", "straight");
addLink("S1","FastEthernet0/1","PC1","FastEthernet0", "straight");
You can also use loops and other JavaScript features to automate it. For example, to create 10 switches:
for (let n=1; n <= 10; n++) {
addDevice("S" + n,"2960-24TT",n * 100,100);
But why???
This was dreamt up as a method to allow AI chatbots to automate the creation of Packet Tracer networks.
Download Builder.pts
In Packet Tracer, click Exensions > Scripting > Configure PT Script Modules
Click the Add... button and locate Builder.pts
Once installed, you can open the code editor at any time by clicking Extensions > Builder Code Editor.
In the Wiki, you will find information on the available functions, as well as lists of usable devices, links, and modules.