Welcome to my page!
I wanna be a Front-End Developer
class Developer {
final String name;
final String pronouns;
final List<String> code;
final List<String> tools;
final List<String> os;
final String email;
final String status;
const Developer({
required this.name,
required this.pronouns,
required this.code,
required this.tools,
required this.os,
required this.email,
required this.status,
void main() {
Developer seokHo = Developer(
name: "seokho",
pronouns: "he/him",
code: ["Dart", "Javascript", "Typescript", "HTML", "CSS", "C++"],
tools: ["Flutter", "React", "ReactNative", "Redux", "Styled-Components"],
os: ["Windows", "MacOs"],
email: "gjrehf@gmail.com",
status: "I have a crush on Flutter",