This is the PHP library for Kindmetrics.
It is a privacy focused website analytics to help you find referrers and measure good content quickly. A more excellent way to dig into your visitors without the visitors giving their data to big enterprises. Kindmetrics have an API which this use, read more on
You can get your domains, create new and get data on specific domains, like current visitors, sources, mediums, pages, and more.
Using composer, you run this command:
composer require kindmetrics/kindmetrics
if you want to do it manually you would need to download, and run composer to add the required libraries this library is dependent on.
Here is an example when you have autoload the required files:
$token = "IlkoAAfas75468IBQ0tE8T1sdFhhgsdf7IidsgASd-c_m4";
$kind = new \Kindmetrics\Kindmetrics($token);
$domains = $kind->getDomains();
$domain = $kind->getDomain(2);
$sources = $domain->getSources();