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BEA File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page May 10, 2021 · 24 revisions

NW4F > Bezel Archive (BEA)

This is an archive format used by the Bezel engine.

File structure:

  • File Header
  • One or more blocks
  • Relocation table
  • Encrypted files

File Header

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 Magic number ("SCNE")
0x8 1 Micro version
0x9 1 Minor version
0xA 2 Major version
0xC 2 Endianness (0xFEFF=Big, 0xFFFE=Little)
0xE 1 Alignment
0xF 1 Address size
0x10 4 Filename offset
0x14 2 Flags:
1 - Is relocated
0x16 2 First block offset
0x18 4 Relocation table offset
0x1C 4 Filesize without encrypted subfiles

Block Header

The block size is usually the same as the offset to the next block, but in the last block the offset is set to 0.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Signature
0x4 4 Offset to next block
0x8 4 Block size
0xC 4 Padding

String Pool

Offset Size Description
0x0 16 Block header (_STR)
0x10 4 String count
0x14 Strings


Every string is null-terminated. If the string contains an odd number of bytes, an additional null byte is added such that the size field of the next string is aligned.

Offset Size Description
0x0 2 Size without null terminator
0x2 Null-terminated string

Relocation Table

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Signature (_RLT)
0x4 4 Offset of relocation table (see file header)
0x8 4 Number of sections
0xC 4 Padding
0x10 Sections

Relocation Section

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 Memory address
0x8 4 File offset
0xC 4 File size
0x10 4 Index of first relocation
0x14 4 Number of relocations

Relocation Entry

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 File offset
0x4 2 Number of chunks
0x6 1 Relocated words per chunk
0x7 1 Non-relocated words per chunk
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