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NSMBU Save Data

Yannik Marchand edited this page Jul 27, 2019 · 4 revisions

NSMBU > Save Data (rp_savedata.dat)

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x10 Header
0x10 0x204 * 6 Main slots (3 for NSMBU, 3 for NSLU)
0xC28 0x204 * 6 Quick save slots (3 for NSMBU, 3 for NSLU)
0x1840 0x360C Challenge data
0x4E4C 0xA8 Boost rush data
0x4EF4 0x5F38 Coin edit data
0xAE2C 0x94 Telemetry stats
0xAEC0 0x274 Mii data


Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Magic number ("RPSD")
0x4 1 Version (always 1)
0x5 1 Version (always 0)
0x6 1 Version (always 2)
0x7 1 Last used slot index
0x8 1 Bool indicating if the game has notified you about NSLU
0x9 1 Button layout
0xA 2 Padding
0xC 4 CRC32

Save Slot

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Bool indicating if this is a valid (used) save slot
0x1 1 Last number of players
0x2 1 Number of coins
0x3 1 Rock-candy mine switch state
0x4 3 World map location
0x7 3 World map location
0xA 1 Unknown
0xB 1 Unknown
0xC 1 * 4 Lives of each player
0x10 1 * 4 Character of each player
0x14 1 * 4 Powerup of each player
0x18 1 * 4 Game overs of each player
0x1C 2 Finished worlds flags
0x1E 1 Game completion flags:
0x02: All levels beaten
0x08: All star coins collected
0x10: All exits reached
0x1F 1 Unknown
0x20 12 Unknown (Vector3f)
0x2C 1 Unknown
0x2D 1 Unknown
0x2E 1 Unknown
0x2F 1 Unknown
0x30 4 Score
0x34 16 Unknown
0x44 2 Credits highscore (coins)
0x46 3 Airship location (world map location)
0x49 1 Nabbit world number
0x4A 1 Nabbit world number
0x4B 1 Unknown
0x4C 1 Unknown
0x4D 1 Unknown
0x4E 1 Unknown
0x4F 1 Unknown
0x50 1 Unknown
0x51 1 Unknown
0x52 1 Unknown
0x53 1 Unknown
0x54 1 Unknown
0x55 1 Available baby yoshi flags
0x56 1 Active baby yoshi
0x57 1 Unknown
0x58 1 Unknown
0x59 1 Unknown
0x5A 1 Reappear counter for balloon yoshi
0x5B 1 Reappear counter for bubble yoshi
0x5C 1 * 4 Unknown
0x60 1 * 4 Ambush items
0x64 1 * 7 Nabbit related
0x6B 1 * 123 Level completion flags:
0x1: Unlocked
0x2: Played
0xE6 1 * 62 Death counter for each level
0x124 1 * 41 Star coins for each level
0x14D 1 * 10 Inventory items
0x157 0x6D Ambush data
0x1C4 0x38 Secret island statistics
0x1FC 1 Caught nabbit flags
0x1FD 3 Padding
0x200 4 CRC32

World map location

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 World number
0x1 1 Section id
0x2 1 Node id

Ambush Data

Offset Size Description
0x0 5 * 2 World 1 enemies
0xA 5 * 3 World 2 enemies
0x19 5 * 2 World 3 enemies
0x23 5 * 5 World 4 enemies
0x3C 5 * 3 World 5 enemies
0x4B 5 * 3 World 7 enemies
0x5A 18 Unknown
0x6C 1 Unknown

Ambush Enemy

Offset Size Description
0x0 3 World map location
0x3 1 Unknown
0x4 1 Unknown

Secret Island Statistics

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Coins collected
0x4 4 Star coins collected
0x8 4 Goals reached
0xC 4 Times applauded
0x10 4 Boost block distance
0x14 4 Mini boost block distance
0x18 4 Nabbits caught
0x1C 4 Goombas stomped
0x20 4 Items collected
0x24 4 Goals reached with yoshi
0x28 4 Goals reached with baby yoshi
0x2C 4 1-Ups earned at goal
0x30 4 Fireworks at goal
0x34 4 3-Up moons collected

Challenge Data

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Bool indicating if this struct contains valid values
0x1 1 * 5 Medal for each category
0x6 1 Unknown
0x7 1 Unknown
0x8 0x6C * 80 Challenges
0x21C8 0x1440 Unknown
0x3608 4 CRC32

Challenge Info

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Completion state
0x1 1 Player this challenge was completed with
0x2 2 Unknown
0x4 0x60 FFLStoreData if this challenge was completed with a mii
0x64 4 Highscore
0x68 4 CRC32 of replay file

Boost Rush Data

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Unknown
0x1 1 Unknown
0x2 1 Unknown
0x3 1 Unknown
0x4 4 * 32 Highscore in 1/100 seconds
0x84 1 * 32 Unknown
0xA4 4 CRC32

Coin Edit Data

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x984 * 10 Coin edit levels
0x5F28 12 Unlocked levels
0x5F34 4 CRC32

Coin Edit Stage

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 * 300 Coins
0x960 12 * 3 Star coins

Coin Edit Coin

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Area number
0x1 1 Zone number
0x2 1 Bool indicating if this entry is valid
0x3 1 Unknown
0x4 2 X position
0x6 2 Y position

Coin Edit Star Coin

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Area number
0x1 1 Zone number
0x2 1 Unknown
0x3 1 Unknown
0x4 4 X position (float)
0x8 4 Y position (float)

Telemetry Stats

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Seconds played
0x4 4 Seconds spent in story mode
0x8 4 Levels played
0xC 4 Levels played alone
0x10 4 Levels played with two players
0x14 4 Levels played with three players
0x18 4 Levels played with four players
0x1C 4 Unknown
0x20 4 Nabbits chased
0x24 4 Super guides seen
0x28 4 Boost rush games played
0x2C 4 Boost rush games played alone
0x30 4 Boost rush games played with two players
0x34 4 Boost rush games played with three players
0x38 4 Boost rush games played with four players
0x3C 4 Unknown
0x40 4 Unknown
0x44 4 Coin battles played
0x48 4 Coin battles played alone
0x4C 4 Coin battles played with two players
0x50 4 Coin battles played with three players
0x54 4 Coin battles played with four players
0x58 4 Unknown
0x5C 4 Unknown
0x60 4 Edited coin battle levels played
0x64 4 Challenges played
0x68 4 Unknown
0x6C 4 Challenge replays watched
0x70 4 Boost mode challenges played
0x74 4 NSLU levels played
0x78 4 Unknown
0x7C 4 Unknown
0x80 4 Powerups used
0x84 1 Unknown
0x85 1 Unknown
0x86 1 Unknown
0x87 1 Unknown
0x88 1 Unknown
0x89 1 Unknown
0x8A 1 Gold medals earned
0x8B 1 Silver medals earned
0x8C 1 Bronze medals earned
0x8D 1 Boost mode challenges completed
0x8E 1 Unknown
0x8F 1 Unknown
0x90 4 CRC32

Mii Data

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Number of entries
0x1 10 * 62 Up to 62 FFLCreateID entries
0x26D 3 Padding
0x270 4 CRC32
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