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SMM 2 Ninji Ghosts

Yannik Marchand edited this page Mar 28, 2020 · 5 revisions

SMM 2 > Ninji Ghosts

Ninji ghosts are downloaded from the server with the GetEventCourseGhost method. Ninji ghosts are zlib compressed and may use up to 0x8000 bytes.

A decompressed ghost always uses exactly 0x24A36 bytes:

Offset Size Description
0x0 0x3C File header
0x3C 0x249FA Replay frames

File Header

The header is stored in big endian byte order.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Version number (always 2)
0x4 4 Unknown
0x8 4 Unknown
0xC 4 Time in milliseconds
0x10 4 Unknown
0x14 1 Unknown
0x15 1 Unknown
0x16 2 Unknown
0x18 4 Unknown
0x1C 4 Unknown
0x20 4 Unknown
0x24 4 Unknown
0x28 4 Unknown
0x2C 4 Unknown
0x30 4 Unknown
0x34 4 Unknown
0x38 4 Magic number (always SPGD)

Replay Frame

Replay data is stored in little endian byte order. The replay frames are stored directly after each other, with no padding.

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 0xAB
A: Flags
B: Player state
0x1 2 X position
0x3 2 Y position

If flags & 4:

Offset Size Description
0x5 1 Unknown

If flags & 2 but not flags & 4:

Offset Size Description
0x5 1 Unknown (X)

If X & 7 != 1:

Offset Size Description
0x6 2 Unknown

Player State

Value Description
0 Waiting / walking / running
1 Jumping
2 Swimming
3 Climbing
4 "hipat"
5 Slipping
6 "wsld"
7 Moving through clear pipe (SM3DW) or riding dry bones shell
8 Cat attack (SM3DW) or riding clown car
9 Waiting on tree top (SM3DW) or riding lakitu cloud
10 Riding goomba shoe (SMB1/SMB3), Koopa Troopa car (SM3DW) or Yoshi
11 Walking cat
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