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BFFNT File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page May 10, 2021 · 9 revisions

NintendoWare > Font File (FFNT)

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Magic number ("FFNT")
0x4 2 Endianness (0xFEFF)
0x6 2 Header size (0x14)
0x8 4 Version number
0xC 4 Filesize
0x10 2 Number of sections
0x12 2 Padding
0x14 Sections. All sections are aligned to 4 bytes.

Info Section

Contains general information about the font.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Identifier ("FINF")
0x4 4 Section size
0x8 1 Font type
0x9 1 Width
0xA 1 Height
0xB 1 Ascent
0xC 2 Line feed
0xE 2 Invalid char symbol index
0x10 1 Unknown
0x11 1 Unknown
0x12 1 Unknown
0x13 1 Character code
0x14 4 Offset to texture section
0x18 4 Offset to width section
0x1C 4 Offset to code map section

Texture Section

A font may consist of multiple texture sheets. The texture data of each sheet is stored directly after each other. Every cell contains a single glyph texture.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Identifier ("TGLP")
0x4 4 Section size
0x8 1 Cell width
0x9 1 Cell height
0xA 1 Number of sheets
0xB 1 Unknown
0xC 4 Sheet size
0x10 2 Baseline position
0x12 2 Texture format
0x14 2 Cells per row
0x16 2 Cells per column
0x18 2 Texture width
0x1A 2 Texture height
0x1C 4 Texture data offset
Texture Format GX2SurfaceFormat

Width Section

Contains width information for a range of glyphs.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Identifier ("CWDH")
0x4 4 Section size
0x8 2 First glyph index
0xA 2 Last glyph index
0xC 4 Size of width data
0x10 Width data

Width Entry

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Distance from left cell border to character
0x1 1 Cell width
0x2 1 Character width

Code Map Section

Assigns glyphs to a range of character codes.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Identifier ("CMAP")
0x4 4 Section size
0x8 2 First character code
0xA 2 Last character code
0xC 2 Mapping type
0xE 2 Padding
0x10 4 Size of mapping data
0x14 Mapping data

Code Map Type 0

Offset Size Description
0x0 2 base_index. The first character code is mapped to base_index. The second is mapped to base_index + 1, and so on.

Code Map Type 1

If a glyph index is 0xFFFF it indicates an invalid character.

Offset Size Description
0x0 2 Glyph index of first character code
0x2 2 Glyph index of second character code
... ... ...
... 2 Glyph index of last character code

Code Map Type 2

The first and last character code in the section header are ignored.

Offset Size Description
0x0 2 Number of entries
0x2 2 Character code 1
0x4 2 Glyph index 1
0x6 2 Character code 2
0x8 2 Glyph index 2
... ... ...
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