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ELINK File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page Nov 30, 2021 · 1 revision

This file format was reverse engineered by KillzXGaming.


Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Signature (eflk)
0x4 4 Version
0x8 4 User data count
0xC 4 String table offset

After the header is a list of user data entry pointers.

User Data Pointer

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Data offset (from start of file)
0x4 4 Name offset (from string table)

Each data points to a user data section

User Data

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Unknown (usually 9)
0x4 4 Num emitter set param/index tables.
0x8 4 Num emitter resources.
0xC 4 Num emitter action param table.
0x10 4 Num actions.
0x14 4 String table offset (relative from start of this header).
0x18 4 Unkown (4).

Then each section is in order.

Emitter Set Param Table

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Index
0x4 28 Unknown
0x20 28 Name offset (relative from string table)
0x24 24 Unknown
0x3C 4 Scale (float)
0x48 12 Position (float[3])
0x54 12 Rotate (float[3])
0x60 16 Color (float[4])

Emitter Set Index Table

Emitter Set Index Table (possibly emitter set custom callback indices?)

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Index 1
0x4 4 Value 1
0x8 4 Index 2
0xC 4 Value 2

Emitter Resource Table

Emitter Resource (section that stores emitter sets)

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Name offset (relative to string table)
0x4 12 Padding
0x10 4 Start emitter set index (from the emitter set param list)
014 4 End emitter set index (from the emitter set param list)

Emitter Action Param Table

Parameters for emitter action parameters to be used with the action section.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Index
0x4 4 Name (same as emitter resource to use on) (relative to string table)
0x8 4 Unknown
0xC 4 Frame to emit at
0x10 4 Unknown
0x14 4 Unknown
0x18 4 Bone name to attach to (relative to string table)
0x1C 28 Unknown

Emitter Action Table

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Name (relative to string table)
0x4 4 Padding
0x8 4 Action parameter table Index Start
0xC 4 Action parameter table Index End
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