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BEA File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page May 10, 2021 · 24 revisions

NW4F > Bezel Archive (BEA)

This is an archive format used by the Bezel engine.

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 Magic number ("SCNE")
0x8 1 Micro version
0x9 1 Minor version
0xA 2 Major version
0xC 2 Endianness (0xFEFF=Big, 0xFFFE=Little)
0xE 1 Alignment
0xF 1 Address size
0x10 4 Filename offset
0x14 2 Flags:
1 - Is relocated
0x16 2 First block offset
0x18 4 Relocation table offset
0x1C 4 Filesize
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