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BEA File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page May 10, 2021 · 24 revisions

NintendoWare > Bezel > Bezel Archive (BEA)

This is an archive format used by the Bezel engine.

The compressed subfiles are stored behind the relocation table. The filesize in the file header also does not include the compressed subfiles.

File Header

Offset Size Description
0x0 32 Bezel header (SCNE)
0x20 2 Number of subfiles
0x22 2 Unknown
0x24 4 Unknown
0x28 8 Address of file info pointers
0x30 8 Address of dictionary section
0x38 8 Unknown
0x40 8 Address of archive name
0x48 File info pointers
40 unknown bytes per subfile (all 0?)
Dictionary section

File Info Pointer

Offset Size Description
0x0 8 Address of file info block

File Info Block

Offset Size Description
0x0 16 Block header (ASST)
0x10 1 Compression algorithm
0x11 1 Padding
0x12 2 Alignment bits
0x14 4 Compressed size
0x18 4 Decompressed size
0x1C 4 Padding
0x20 8 Address of compressed file
0x28 8 Address of filename
ID Algorithm
0 None
1 Zlib
2 Zstandard

Dictionary Section

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Signature (_DIC)
0x4 Unknown
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