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BFLIM File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 7 revisions

NintendoWare > Layout Image (FLIM)

BFLIM files start with the texture data. A footer is stored behind the texture data. This probably makes it easier to align the texture data in memory. The footer is found by examining the last 4 bytes of the file, which contain the size of the texture data.


Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Magic number (FLIM)
0x4 2 Endianness (0xFEFF=Big, 0xFFFE=Little)
0x6 2 Footer size (0x14)
0x8 4 Version number
0xC 4 Filesize
0x10 2 Number of sections
0x12 2 Padding
0x14 Sections. All sections are aligned to 4 bytes.
4 Size of texture data

Known Versions

Version Description Oldest known version. Some image formats were added.

Image Section

Contains information about the image.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Identifier (imag)
0x4 4 Section size
0x8 2 Width
0xA 2 Height
0xC 2 Alignment
0xE 1 Format
0xF 1 value & 31: Tile mode
value >> 5: Swizzle
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