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BFLIM File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 7 revisions

NintendoWare > Layout Image (FLIM)

BFLIM files start with the texture data. A footer is stored behind the texture data. This probably makes it easier to align the texture data in memory.

This page describes version of the file format.


Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Magic number (FLIM)
0x4 2 Endianness (0xFEFF=Big, 0xFFFE=Little)
0x6 2 Header size (0x14)
0x8 4 Version number
0xC 4 Filesize
0x10 2 Number of sections
0x12 2 Padding
0x14 Sections. All sections are aligned to 4 bytes.

Image Section

Contains information about the image.

Offset Size Description
0x0 4 Identifier (imag)
0x4 4 Section size
0x8 2 Width
0xA 2 Height
0xC 2 Unknown
0xE 1 Format
0xF 1 value & 31: Tile mode
value >> 5: Swizzle
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