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BYAML File Format

Yannik Marchand edited this page Jun 18, 2021 · 25 revisions

AL / LP > Binary YAML

These files are similar to regular YAML files, but are encoded in binary form. They usually have the file extension .byml or .byaml.

This page describes version 1 of the file format.

Offsets in the header are absolute.

Offset Size Description
0x0 2 Magic number / BOM (BY: big endian, YB: little endian)
0x2 2 Version number
0x4 4 Offset to dictionary key table
0x8 4 Offset to string table
0xC 4 Unknown
0x10 4 Offset to root node (array or dictionary)


A node starts with a single byte that indicates its type.

ID Type
0xC0 Array
0xC1 Dictionary
0xC2 String table


The type table contains one byte per element that indicates its node type.

If the number of elements is not a multiple of 4, additional null bytes are inserted between the type table and the data table such that the data table is aligned to 4 bytes.

The data table contains either an absolute offset to the node (for container nodes), or simply the value of the array element (for primitive nodes).

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Node type (0xC0)
0x1 3 Number of elements (N)
0x4 N Type table
4 x N Data table

String Table

A string table is a special kind of node.

The address table contains offsets to the strings, relative to the start of the string table node. It also contains an offset that points to the end of the string table (right behind the last string).

The address table and strings must both be sorted, because a binary search algorithm is used to find them.

Offset Size Description
0x0 1 Node type (0xC2)
0x1 3 Number of strings (N)
0x4 4 x (N + 1) Address table
Null-terminated strings
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