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A hobby 32-bit CPU implemented in SystemVerilog.


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A hobby 32-bit CPU implemented in SystemVerilog.


  • Follows the Von Neumann architecture
  • Supports 16-bit and 32-bit instruction
  • Includes 4 LED outputs and a UART peripheral
  • Can be run on a FPGA development board


This CPU can execute both 16-bit and 32-bit instructions. The instructions come in four different formats.

instruction formats

Instruction Format Opcode Description Assembly
MOV R 000000 x[rd] = x[rs] mov rd, rs
ADD R 000001 x[rd] = x[rd] + x[rs] add rd, rs
SUB R 000010 x[rd] = x[rd] - x[rs] sub rd, rs
AND R 000011 x[rd] = x[rd] & x[rs] and rd, rs
OR R 000100 x[rd] = x[rd] | x[rs] or rd, rs
XOR R 000101 x[rd] = x[rd] ^ x[rs] xor rd, rs
SLL R 000110 x[rd] = x[rd] << x[rs] sll rd, rs
SRL R 000111 x[rd] = x[rd] >>u x[rs] srl rd, rs
SRA R 001000 x[rd] = x[rd] >>s x[rs] sra rd, rs
SLT R 001001 flag = (x[rd] <s x[rs])? 1 : 0 slt rd, rs
SLTU R 001010 flag = (x[rd] <u x[rs])? 1 : 0 sltu rd, rs
SLLI I16 010000 x[rd] = x[rd] << imm slli rd, imm
SRLI I16 010001 x[rd] = x[rd] >>u imm srli rd, imm
SRAI I16 010010 x[rd] = x[rd] >>s imm srai rd, imm
ADDI I32 100000 x[rd] = x[rs] + sext(imm) addi rd, rs, imm
ANDI I32 100001 x[rd] = x[rs] & sext(imm) andi rd, rs, imm
ORI I32 100010 x[rd] = x[rs] | sext(imm) ori rd, rs, imm
XORI I32 100011 x[rd] = x[rs] ^ sext(imm) xori rd, rs, imm
SLTI I32 100100 x[rd] = (x[rs] <s sext(imm))? 1 : 0 slti rd, rs, imm
SLTIU I32 100101 x[rd] = (x[rs] <u sext(imm))? 1 : 0 sltiu rd, rs, imm
BEQ I32 100110 if(x[rd] == x[rs]) pc += sext(imm) beq rd, rs, imm
BNQ I32 100111 if(x[rd] != x[rs]) pc += sext(imm) bnq rd, rs, imm
BLT I32 101000 if(x[rd] <s x[rs]) pc += sext(imm) blt rd, rs, imm
BGE I32 101001 if(x[rd] >=s x[rs]) pc += sext(imm) bge rd, rs, imm
BLTU I32 101010 if(x[rd] <u x[rs]) pc += sext(imm) bltu rd, rs, imm
BGEU I32 101011 if(x[rd] >=u x[rs]) pc += sext(imm) bgeu rd, rs, imm
JALR I32 101100 x[rd] = pc, pc = (x[rs] + sext(imm)) jalr rd, rs, imm
LB I32 101101 x[rd] = sext(M[x[rs] + sext(imm)][7:0]) lb rd, rs, imm
LH I32 101110 x[rd] = sext(M[x[rs] + sext(imm)][15:0]) lh rd, rs, imm
LBU I32 101111 x[rd] = M[x[rs] + sext(imm)][7:0] lbu rd, rs, imm
LHU I32 110000 x[rd] = M[x[rs] + sext(imm)][15:0] lhu rd, rs, imm
LW I32 110001 x[rd] = M[x[rs] + sext(imm)] lw rd, rs, imm
LUI I32 110010 x[rd] = sext(imm) << 16 lui rd, imm
SB I32 110011 M[x[rs] + sext(imm)] = x[rd][7:0] sb rd, rs, imm
SH I32 110100 M[x[rs] + sext(imm)] = x[rd][15:0] sh rd, rs, imm
SW I32 110101 M[x[rs] + sext(imm)] = x[rd] sw rd, rs, imm
JAL J 111111 x[rd] = pc, pc += sext(imm) jal rd, imm


This CPU includes four LED outputs that can be controlled by writing to specific memory addresses. It also has a UART peripheral for serial communication.

Address Name Bit Description Read/Write
0xfff00000 LED_DATA [3:0] 0 : off 1 : on Read/Write
0xfff10000 UART_TX_STATUS [0] 0 : idle 1 : transmitting Read Only
0xfff10004 UART_TX_DATA [7:0] when this register written, start to transmit data Read/Write
0xfff10008 UART_RX_STATUS [1:0] bit 0 UART status
0 : idle 1 : receiving
bit 1 data validity
0 : invalid 1 : valid
Read Only
0xfff1000c UART_RX_DATA [7:0] when read this register, data validity changes to invalid Read Only

Running Test Benches

To run test benches, you need:

After installing the necessary dependencies, run the following command:


Supported Boards

  • Arty S7


  • デイビット・マネー・ハリス、サラ・L・ハリス (2009) 『ディジタル電子回路とコンピュータアーキテクチャ 第 2 版』(天野英晴・鈴木貢・中條拓伯・永松礼夫訳) 翔泳社 (Digital Design and Computer Architecture Second Edition)

  • 中森章 (2022) 「FPGA 初心者は自作マイコンの夢を見るか? RISC-V on FPGA 実装計画 第 2 回 UART の実装」 『Interface』 2022 年 9 月号, CQ 出版社

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