Releases: headlamp-k8s/headlamp
Headlamp is an easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI.
✨ Enhancements:
- Add the option to open resource details views in a side pane
- Can be enabled in the app's settings, from the home view
- Does not apply to custom resources yet
- Add support for viewing logs from all pods of the same resource (Deployments, ReplicaSets, ...) in the same dialog
- Add bulk restart to Deployments, StatefulSets, and DaemonSets. Thanks to @adwait-godbole
- Helm: Add extended service values. Thanks to @oliverbaehler
- Wrap text in table cells for better readability. Thanks to @MAVRICK-1
- Show more detailed errors when listing resources fails
- Update styling of controls in the Map view
- Adjust table cells to better fit the contents
- Support Map related results in the global search
- Show pods' metrics in the pods list view
Resource details view in a side pane:
Bulk restart of Deployment resources:
Log viewer for multiple pods in a Deployment:
🧩 Shipped plugins
- Update shipped plugin app-catalog 0.6.0 (desktop only)
- Fit app icons above their title
- Display icon only when available
- Improve search usability and performance
- Fix a couple of issues in the installation button's style
- Optimize how charts are fetched
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix live update of lists and details views (was happening when accessing clusters using a token)
- Helm: Fix default values
- Handle error in plugin settings. Thanks to @DhairyaMajmudar
- Fix incorrect decoding of JWT when checking for its expiration. Thanks to @DhairyaMajmudar
- Fix sidebar and main scrollbars visibility, so they show under the top bar
- Fix crash in navigation tabs
- Fix column order in tables
- Fix loading kubeconfigs where some contexts were incomplete or contained errors
- Fix showing editor docs when no resource is found from the editor
- Fix duplicated entries in sidebar
- Fix broken links in the cluster overview, related to the events' involved objects
- Do not show old cluster settings route in search results. Thanks to @Faakhir30
- Fix honoring user-set zoom levels after restarting the app (desktop only)
💻 Development
- Add many new Storybook stories for resources who were missing them. Thanks to @DhairyaMajmudar and @adwait-godbole
- Remove unused NPM package and update dependencies
- Refactor refreshAndCacheNewToken, charts.tsx, and Notifications. Thanks to @Faakhir30
- CI: Fail Mac build is signing has been requested and fails
- CI: Stop automatic PR creation for minikube's addon, since its generation is now part of the minikube repo
- Add test for getCluster and @apidevtools/swagger-parser. Thanks to @DhairyaMajmudar
- Remove deprecated linters from golangci-lint
- Remove obsolete API calls for CronJob resources. Thanks to @adwait-godbole
- Add
Makefile targets. Thanks to @adwait-godbole - Misc dependency updates
- Add support for refetching resource lists on a time interval
- Ensure go toolchain can be updated automatically
- Restrict backend to only listen to localhost's requests, when run as an app
- Add the ability to set which addresses the backend should listen to for requests
- Allow plugins to process cluster overview charts and add a related example plugin. Thanks to @Faakhir30
📖 Documentation
- Add k0s to platforms. Thanks to @wrkode
- Fix testing and formatting instructions. Thanks to @Faakhir30
- Helm: Change ingress.className on README to ingress.ingressClassName. Thanks to @Bemesko
- Remove redundant commands for building app. Thanks to @adwait-godbole
Container image: 🐳
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Linux Tarball AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Debian / Linux AMD64
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix not showing any items because the user's role has no access to listing all namespaces
- Now it falls back to showing the cluster's default namespace (if set) when there are listing related permissions issues
- Fix recursive loading issue in port-forward (desktop only)
- Prevent storing Electron's different preferences profiles each time (desktop only)
- Fix showing a plugin's payload origin (it was showing the ArtifactHub's package URL but now shows the actual plugin archive URL) (desktop only)
- Fix other important security issues
💻 Development
- Refactor some of the plugin manager's code including fixing types
Container image: 🐳
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Linux Tarball AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Debian / Linux AMD64
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)
Headlamp is an easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI.
✨ Enhancements:
- Add support (beta) for Gateway API (thanks to @farodin91 )
- Always sort namespaces in the UI, so views are consistent regardless of how the API servers return them
- Add a multiplexer for web socket connections: this allows to have connections beyond the browser's limit
New Gateway API UI:
🧩 Shipped plugins
- Update shipped plugin app-catalog 0.5.0 (desktop only)
- Improve card styles for different screen sizes
- Update shipped plugin plugin-catalog 0.3.0 (desktop only)
- Plugin cards now show when there's an update available for the plugin
- Update shipped plugin prometheus 0.4.1
- Improve charts' styling
🐞 Bug fixes
- Prevent terminals from flashing when clusters in kubeconfig use the exec method for authentication
- Fix suspending/resuming CronJobs from the UI
- Fix color/styling in the editors
- Filter out hidden routes from the sidebar
- Fix selecting all rows in a table when only it's only partially selected
- Fix API requests when endpoints do not exist in the API server
- Fix matching routes registered by plugins (it was checking by path when it should be by name)
- Fix setting Helm chart's env vars when reading others from secrets (thanks to @devjoes )
- Fix problem when loading clusters from kubeconfig
- Fix column visibility handled by internal Table state
- Improve how default styles are shown from the theme
- Fix location import on DeleteMultipleButton
- Fix showing notifications for cluster actions
- Fix race condition in backend cache
- Fix web socket connection issues related to selecting namespaces
- Fix PVC storage requirement in Helm chart
- Fix reflecting the clusters in the home view, after they are deleted from the kubeconfig
- Fix refreshing time in places like the age column of tables
- Fix namespace selection when allowed namespaces were set
- Fix templating issue in French i18n (thanks to @Intuinewin )
- Hide the menu when in a small screen if it's empty
💻 Development
- Fix type errors in Ingress related logic
- Fix frontend tests that check for files
- Fix circular dependencies in Storybook
- Misc dependency updates
- Refactor and fix
📖 Documentation
- Add Red Hat OpenShift to list of supported platforms (thanks to @pichuang )
- Reorganize and enhance the structure of Helm charts
- Add CNCF integrations table
- Add documentation on how to use external tools (az, gcloud, aws, doctl, ...) from Flatpak
Container image: 🐳
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Linux Tarball AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Debian / Linux AMD64
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)
Headlamp is an easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI.
✨ Enhancements:
- New global search, for quickly finding cluster resources or running actions
- Add bulk deletion of Kubernetes resources
- This is done by allowing multiple selection and consequent deletion from the table actions
- Add a Create button (when RBAC allows creation) to different Kubernetes resources list views
- This allows us to have at least the base YAML for the resource pre-set up in the editor
- Use cached objects when rendering the details view, making it render immediately in most cases
when going from a list view to it - Improve how the plugins are shown in the installed view
- Shows the org now as the author instead of being part of the plugin's name
- Misc improvements in the Table component, to make it more performant
- Add resource name to header in details view, for easier identification (thanks to @farodin91 )
- Show the origin of each cluster in the home view
New search feature:
Bulk selection & deletion of items:
🧩 Shipped plugins
- Update shipped plugin app-catalog 0.4.0 (desktop only)
- Fix broken installation of Helm charts
- Misc UX fixes
- Update shipped plugin plugin-catalog 0.2.0 (desktop only)
- Allow to toggle whether non-official plugins are shown, right from the main list view
- Update shipped plugin prometheus 0.3.0
- Improve how Prometheus is detected (thanks to @caellach )
🐞 Bug fixes
- Add tooltips to cluster actions
- Fix stack overflow issue when dealing with a large number of graph nodes in the map view
- Remember zoom mode used in the map view
- Improve performance for the map view
- Fix search functionality for roles in the Roles list view
- Prevent flashing refresh button when a table is updated with new data
- Prevent header actions from "blinking" when there are updates
- Fix namespace filtering in the Roles list view
- Remove unused filters
- Fix log viewer fullscreen
- Fix storageClassName in PVCs
- Misc fixes in the Table component including type fixes
- Fix border on the side of the map's details panel
- Validate names in the AuthVisible component, to avoid false positives
- Add link to home when failing to enter a cluster (there was no link if only one cluster was configured)
- Fix "Add Cluster" button in cluster chooser
- Misc performance improvements, in the sidebar and other places
- Prevent problems when nodes' statuses are null (thanks to @farodin91 )
- Fix search in log viewer (thanks to @veyselsahin )
💻 Development
- Fix
release related script - Add support for column selection to the Table component
- Add new Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) translations (thanks to @pichuang )
- Due to a last-minute issue, we decided not to add this option yet until we figure out a solution
- Accept passing a JSON/YAML to the EditorDialog
- Refactor general and cluster settings views (thanks to @farodin91 )
- Add Playwright tests
📖 Documentation
- Improve docs around running in-cluster with multiple clusters defined (thanks to @gberche-orange )
- Add documentation on how to publish a plugin on ArtifactHub
Container image: 🐳
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Linux Tarball AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Debian / Linux AMD64
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)
Headlamp is an easy-to-use and extensible Kubernetes web UI.
headlamp-plugin 0.10.0
For those making Headlamp plugins, a new release of the headlamp-plugin tool.
- Latest packages and types matching the Headlamp 0.26.0 release
- New eslint and typescript matching Headlamp
- New package command for creating packages for publishing on artifact hub
- Uses vitest instead of jest
- We attempt to keep backwards and forwards compatibility with plugins, and provide an upgrade command to help migrate code where we can
Upgrading your plugin
To upgrade your plugin from within your plugin folder (after first backing up your folder...) do:
npx @kinvolk/headlamp-plugin ugprade .
headlamp-plugin upgrade [package] Upgrade the plugin to latest
<skip-package-updates> headlamp-plugin; audits, formats,
<headlamp-plugin-version> lints and type checks.<package>
defaults to current working
directory. Can also be a folder of
New package command
To create a package .tar.gz file and print a checksum use the package command:
npm install
npm run build
npx @kinvolk/headlamp-plugin package
Copying "/home/user/dev/headlamp/plugins/examples/app-menus/dist/main.js" to "/tmp/headlamp-plugin-mDMZia/app-menus/main.js".
Copying "/home/user/dev/headlamp/plugins/examples/app-menus/package.json" to "/tmp/headlamp-plugin-mDMZia/app-menus/package.json".
Created tarball: "/home/rene/dev/headlamp/plugins/examples/app-menus/app-menus-0.0.1.tar.gz".
Tarball checksum (sha256): 5772251744730c823046873d8cf3d8b0a9dc372c7c69e97aad00d48afd301d3d
headlamp-plugin package [pluginPath] Creates a tarball of the plugin
[outputDir] package in the format Headlamp
✨ Enhancements:
- Add brand new Map view of a cluster (beta)
- Allows users to view a graph representation of the cluster, at the desired zoom level
- Errors are indicated in the map view which allows for a quick identification of resources needing attention
- Users can select different resources for a more detailed and relational view
- Allows searching and filtering cluster resources by different criteria
- Allows to open resource details in the same view, without having to navigate to a new page
- Make the app snappier by adding a new caching layer for requests as
this avoids requesting the same data multiple times - Allow doing common actions (edit, view, remove) directly in resource list's rows to avoid
having to go into the details view to perform them (thanks to @farodin91 ) - Unify general, cluster, and plugin settings under the same section, preventing the confusion of having
different and separate settings views - Move Custom Resources sidebar item to the top level, to highlight this section
- Update Headlamp logo to the new one
- Helm: Add change ClusterRole option + docs (thanks to @SegFault02 )
- Helm: Support deploying additional manifests inline (thanks to @guydomb )
- Use translated labels for workload charts' titles (also improves readability even in English)
- Add a way to copy the error when the app shows the error (Uh-Oh) view
- Add CLI option to list plugins
- Big improvements to the YAML editor and the terminal thanks to the Monaco and xterm teams
- Prevent the entire app from getting to the error state if the error is in the main view. This means the user may still
be able to navigate to a different view without having to go to the home view - Add Custom Resources instances view (thanks to @Guilamb ). This allows to look for CR instances in the user's
allowed namespaces, whereas before the user had to go through each CR Definition and required access to their
New Map view:
Watch the video demo on Youtube.
New Map view with details open:
Context actions for resource lists:
🧩 Shipped plugins
- Update shipped plugin app-catalog 0.3.1 (desktop only)
- The YAML in the install dialog is updated to reflect the Helm chart version, displaying the latest
version by default and showing the version number in the dialog for clarity - The install dialog now sets default values, including the namespace to "default," the version to
the latest available, and the description to "[app name] deployment
- The YAML in the install dialog is updated to reflect the Helm chart version, displaying the latest
- Update shipped plugin plugin-catalog 0.1.1 (desktop only)
- Prompt user to reload the app after installing/uninstalling a plugin (so the settings show up).
This makes sure the plugin is activated/deactivated
- Prompt user to reload the app after installing/uninstalling a plugin (so the settings show up).
- Update shipped plugin prometheus 0.2.2
- Add settings for configuring Prometheus, allowing the users to configure the service address,
timespan, and to enable/disable metrics for each cluster (under Settings > Plugins > prometheus)
- Add settings for configuring Prometheus, allowing the users to configure the service address,
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fix issues rendering the release notes in dark theme
- Prevent refreshing the app when it's just finished loading
- Fix cluster chooser popup header visibility
- Show the actual issues that happen when loading clusters from KubeConfig
- Fix problem in port forwarding when there's no token
- Fix a11y issues with the notification popups
- Fix broken cluster settings URL from the cluster auth dialog
- Fix typo in values.yaml comment (thanks to @JoniJnm )
- Fix crashing in Job status label when encountering an unknown label
- Fix resource status label alignment
- Fix Headlamp event type when restarting a resource
- Fix duplicate notifications for cluster actions
- Fix issue in cluster login flashing the "auth unsuccessful" state by mistake
- Update home view on an interval
- Allow to apply resources when user's role can only update, not create (thanks to @jda258 )
💻 Development
- Add missing MUI date pickers (need for material-react-table)
- Export
function (so plugins can use it) - Add more backend test coverage
- Refactor API related modules so now they are versioned
- Refactor KubeObject to allow more extensive type coverage of the Kubernetes data layer
- Improve how KubeObject classes can be declared (assigning an API endpoint directly is no
longer needed) - Use react-query for backend requests, which adds caching and centralizes calls
- Add unit tests for frontend API
- Allow routes to render their main component in full width
- Automatically set the cluster param to the ResourceLink component
- Add easy generation of frontend and backend test coverage reports to help develop with a higher quality
- Through new backend-coverage and backend-coverage-html make targets
- Use Ubuntu 22 on CI
- Refactor istokenAboutToExpire to improve clarity and maintainability (thanks to @guipguia )
- Remove axe-react for a11y testing in favor of using the Playwright a11y testing facilities
- Add GitHub issue templates for easier filing of bugs and enhancement requests
- Drop certain 3rd party dependencies to improve security
- Improve security of the build environment
- Misc dependency updates
📖 Documentation
- Add new and more comprehensive contributors guide
- Improve a11y of docs including readability
- Fix broken link in plugin development docs (thanks to @kingdonb )
- Fix broken links after API changes (thanks to @BelovedAugustine )
- Add ADOPTERS file (if your company uses or builds on top of Headlamp, please add yourselves!)
Container image: 🐳
Desktop Apps:
🐧 Flatpak / Linux (AMD64)
🐧 Linux AppImage AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Linux Tarball AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7l
🐧 Debian / Linux AMD64
🍏 Mac (AMD64)
🍏 Mac (ARM/M1)
🟦 Windows (AMD64)