Searches city by IP address in local database from
It can be used in any standalone Ruby app or in Lotus or in Rails app.
libmaxminddb must be installed.
gem install maxmind_geoip2
Note: For MacOS users, you may need to pass the paths to libmaxminddb when installing the gem. E.g.
gem install maxmind_geoip2 -- --with-opt-include=/usr/local/include --with-opt-lib=/usr/local/lib
MaxmindGeoIP2.file '<local_db_file.mmdb>' # default: GeoLite2-City.mmdb
MaxmindGeoIP2.locale 'ru' # default: 'ru'
You could place above codes into a initializer file in Rails, for example config/initializers/geoip2.rb
Returns nil if nothing found and raises exception if file not opened or not found
city = MaxmindGeoIP2.locate(<ip address>, <optional lang>)
city = MaxmindGeoIP2.locate ''
=> {"city"=>"Тамбов",
"subdivision"=>"Тамбовская область",
city = MaxmindGeoIP2.locate '', 'en'
=> {"city"=>"Tambov",
"subdivision"=>"Tambovskaya Oblast'",
bundle exec rake