Find all latest movies and series from all over the world!
MovieApp is an website for users to find movies or series from all over the world, all provided in a beatiful user interface.
On top of the powerful search functions, users are also able to create an account and connect with other users by creating groups to share their favorites and interact with others.
The website utilises Finnkino's open API and TMDB's API to provide users with the latest news and movies/series respectively.
Website is a school project made for Advanced Web Applications Project -course in Oulu University of Applied Sciences
The website is hosted on, you can visit it here!
Due to ongoing database and cloud provider migrations, the application server and database are currently non-functional. As a result, critical functionalities are unavailable (e.g. user management).
Due to stricter cookie policies some browsers have, we suggest using the website with Google Chrome. Also, due to free hosting on Render, the website is spinned down after 15 minutes of no traffic so it may take longer to respond at first.
The website was made in collaboration with: