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The purpose of that project is to convert an excel file to some JSON files that i will upload in my personal DB

As alway we need to work for block in the excel, one single block are like that

block a block always start with a Date in colum B, "OPEN" in column AD (with upper "final if is not the first"), end ends at "FINAL" in column AD.

As the previous project place path value

    path = "./InputFolder/"
    exportPath = "./OutputFiles/"

Every time i will run the code it will generate a subFolder in exportPath with the name "MM_DD_YYYY_hh_mm_ss" with the date of when the script is started.

Inside that folder from each block in the excel need to generate and save a JSON file with fileName "MM_DD_YYYY_marketName.json" in the folder with the date taken from the market columns B

Final format

That will be the final format of the JSON

    created: {type: Number},        // UTC millisecond timestamp when generated the file
    lastUpdate: {type: Number},     // UTC millisecond timestamp when generated the file
    trade: {
        // for that part take attention of columns from B to N
        info: {
            strategyId: {type: String}, // explained in API STRATEGY paragraph
            tennisTournamentId: {type: String}, // the ID in second row of each columns H "event"
            date: {type: Number},   // UTC millisecond timestamp of the market (get date in column A and time in column C)
            marketInfo: {
                marketName: {type: String}, // market columns D
                marketId: {type: String},   // leave empty for the moment
                marketType: {type: String},   // "MATCH_ODDS" if marketName (column D not have substring " - Set * Winner"), otherwise if have substring " - Set 1 Winner" or " - Set 2 Winner" -> "SET_WINNER"
                eventName: {type: String}, // "Match Odds" if marketName (column D not have substring " - Set * Winner"), otherwise if have substring " - Set 1 Winner" or " - Set 2 Winner" -> "Set 1 Winner" or "Set 2 Winner"
                sport: {type: String}      // always "TENNIS"
            executor: [{type: String}],     // COLUMN F
            exchange: {
                name: {type: String},       // COLUMN E
                commission: {type: Number}, // IF column E contains "UK" 0.02 otherwise 0.05
            note: {
                description: {type: String}, // empty
                entry: {type: String}, // merge all the comments here from column N
                exit: {type: String}, // empty
                position: {type: String}, // empty
                mm: {type: String}, // empty
                odds: {type: String}, // empty
                post: {type: String}, // empty
        // for that part take attention of columns from I to M
        selections: [{ // array of objet, one each for runner (runnerA in columns I and runnerB in column J)
            selectionN: {type: Number}, // sequential number of runner, 0 for runnerA, 1 for runnerB
            runnerId: {type: Number},   // explained in API RUNNERS paragraph
            runnerName: {type: String}, // the name of the runner, first row in column I or J
            winner: {type: Boolean}, // if the runnerName is the same name in column K true, false otherwise
            bsp: {type: Number}, // the second row of the columns of runner I or J
            sets: {
                secondSet: {type: Number}, // column L for runnerA, columns for runner B, the first row
                thirdSet: {type: Number}, // column L for runnerA, columns for runner B, the second row
            avg: {
                back: {
                    odds: {type: Number}, // the Weighted arithmetic mean for each bets B "back" (column AF), its like: odds = (summation of odds (column AG) * stake (columns AH) ) / (sum of the stake)
                    stake: {type: Number}, // the sum of stake bets B "back" (column AF) over the runner (colum AE to select which ones)
                    toWin: {type: Number}, // toWin = stake (odds-1)
                lay: {
                    odds: {type: Number}, // the Weighted arithmetic mean for each bets B "back" (column AF), its like: odds = (summation of odds (column AG) * stake (columns AH) ) / (sum of the stake)
                    bank: {type: Number}, // the sum of the stake bets L "lay" (column AF) over the runner (colum AE to select which ones)
                    liability: {type: Number}, // liability = stake * (odds - 1)
        trades: [ // for that part take attention of columns from N to AK, now we merge matched bets and point to have single trade for each row
                id: {type: Number}, // the seq id, column AB
                selectionN: {type: Number}, // sequential number of runner (0 for runnerA, 1 for runnerB)
                type: {type: String} // columns AF ->if B "back" , if L "lay"
                odds: {type: Number}, // columns AG
                stake: {type: Number}, // colum AK
                liability: {type: Number}, // if type=="B" so liability = stake (column AK), if "L" : liability = stake*(odds-1)
                ifWin: {type: Number}, // if type=="B" ifWin = stake*(odds-1), if "L" : ifWin = stake (columns AK)
                options: {type: String} // columns AD
                condition: {
                    tennis: {
                        isTennis: {type: Boolean}, // true always
                        point: { // 0 if the cell are empty
                            set1: {
                                runnerA: {type: Number}, // column O
                                runnerB: {type: Number}, // column P
                            set2: {
                                runnerA: {type: Number}, // column Q
                                runnerB: {type: Number}, // column R
                            set3: {
                                runnerA: {type: Number}, // column S
                                runnerB: {type: Number}, // column T
                            set4: {
                                runnerA: {type: Number}, // column U
                                runnerB: {type: Number}, // column V
                            set5: {
                                runnerA: {type: Number}, // column W
                                runnerB: {type: Number}, // column X
                            currentGame: {
                                runnerA: { type: String}, // column Y
                                runnerB: { type: String}, // column Z
                                server: { type: String} // column AA
                    football: { 
                        isFootball: {type: Boolean}, // false
                        point: {
                            home: {type: Number}, // 0 
                            away: {type: Number}, // 0 
                    horse: { 
                        isHorse: {type: Boolean}, // false
                    note: {type: String}, // column N
                    time: {type: Number}, // UTC millisecond timestamp of the bets, column AC, (first date is the same of market, if have bets in different day, such as 23:34:46 and after 00:12:46 so the second have day = firstdate +1)
        // for that part take attention of columns from O to K
        result: {
            grossProfit: {type: Number}, // column AJ + column AK
            netProfit: {type: Number}, // column AK
            rr: {type: Number}, // column AK/column AI
            commissionPaid: {type: Number}, // column AJ
            maxRisk: {type: Number}, // -column AI
            correctionPl: {type: Number}, // 0
            finalScore:{ // from the row where "FINAL" are in column AD, get the point at here left, column 0
                tennis: { // 0 if the cell are empty
                     set1: {
                        runnerA: {type: Number}, // column O
                        runnerB: {type: Number}, // column P
                    set2: {
                        runnerA: {type: Number}, // column Q
                        runnerB: {type: Number}, // column R
                    set3: {
                        runnerA: {type: Number}, // column S
                        runnerB: {type: Number}, // column T
                    set4: {
                        runnerA: {type: Number}, // column U
                        runnerB: {type: Number}, // column V
                    set5: {
                        runnerA: {type: Number}, // column W
                        runnerB: {type: Number}, // column X
                    currentGame: {
                        runnerA: { type: String}, // 0
                        runnerB: { type: String}, // 0
                        server: { type: String} // 0
                football: {
                    home: {type: Number}, // 0
                    away: {type: Number}, // 0
        // for that part take attention of columns from AS to BL
        stats: { // an array with a length of 2, contains id for runnerA and runnerB and their stats, IF TH STATS ARE ("#N/A" OR EMPTY OR 0) PUT 0"
                runnerId: {type: Number},  // the runnerId, taken form column I or J third row if present, via API if not present
                stats1: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AS, runnerB column BC
                stats2: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AT, runnerB column BD
                stats3: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AU, runnerB column BE
                stats4: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AV, runnerB column BF
                stats5: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AW, runnerB column BG
                stats6: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AX, runnerB column BH
                stats7: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AY, runnerB column BI
                stats8: {type: Number}, // runnerA column AZ, runnerB column BJ
                stats9: {type: Number}, // runnerA column BA, runnerB column BK
                stats10: {type: Number}, // runnerA column BB, runnerB column BL


If the runner column (I or J) have only name, below a float point like "1.10" and no other number below we missed the runner ID

you need to make an HTTP POST call @ with body like that

    "name": "Elias Ymer" // take from the first row column I or J

and the response should be:

        "id": 7414305,
        "name": "Elias Ymer"

the ID propriety are that you need, if return empty array [] so leave the props in the JSON null, if it returns 2 or more object in the array take always the first one


For the strategyId props we need to lookup at columns G

  • If the columns are empty put that value: "6220e21a9344202f70a26818"
  • it the cells have some text, as example "KI - LOW LAY" you nee to make an API call

HTTP POST call @

with that body

    "name": "KI - LOW LAY" // take from the first row column G

and the response should be: 

        "name": "KI - LOW LAY",
        "id": "6220f6459344202f70a268d2"

the ID propriety are that you need, if return empty array [] so leave the props in the JSON null, if it returns 2 or more object in the array take always the first one



For that market "Ostapenko v Sasnovich" 11-Feb 16:44:51

  • in that example i made 2 API call cause no Ostapenko neither Sasnovich have the runner ID,

  • that's the request

    "name": "Jelena Ostapenko"
    "name": "Aliaksandra Sasnovich"
  • and that's the response

  • for that one i take the first object

        "id": 8827537,
        "name": "Jelena Ostapenko",
        "sport": "TENNIS",
        "_id": "61bfbb46cb8f47cf0614ab45"
        "id": 19795365,
        "name": "Jelena Ostapenko",
        "sport": "TENNIS",
        "_id": "61bfbc07cb8f47cf0614bd97"

taking the first object

"Jelena Ostapenko" ID --> 8827537

        "id": 7283310,
        "name": "Aliaksandra Sasnovich",
        "sport": "TENNIS",
        "_id": "61bfbb45cb8f47cf0614ab25"

"Aliaksandra Sasnovich" ID --> 7283310

  • The Strategy column G are empty so i use "6220e21a9344202f70a26818" for strategyId

You can find that example with the name "02_11_2022_Ostapenko v Sasnovich.json"

Example Folder


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