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forked from ul-gh/PiPyADC

Python classes for interfacing Texas Instruments analog-to-digital converters with the Raspberry Pi


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Python module for interfacing Texas Instruments SPI bus based analog- to-digital converters with the Raspberry Pi.

This is a fork of the ul-gh/PiPyADC repository with an added to allow it to be installed with pip

Currently only implemented class in this module is ADS1256 for the ADS1255 and ADS1256 chips which are register- and command compatible. The version implemented uses software/GPIO setting of the chip select signal instead of using the SPI hardware. This accounts for the hardware specifics of the "Waveshare High-Precision-AD-DA-Board".

The ADS1255 and ADS1256 library is an implementation based purely on Python and the WiringPi API. On a Raspberry Pi 3, multi-channel ADC reads require a time overhead of aprox. 300...500 µs which makes the library suitable for low-speed, high resolution data acquisition.


Depends on WiringPi library, see:

Uses code from:

License: GNU LGPLv2.1, see:

Ulrich Lukas, 2019-02-02

Run example on Raspbian Stretch:

Install wiringpi library:

sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install wiringpi

Activate SPI bus and reboot system:

sudo sed -E -i s/"(#)(dtparam=spi).*"/"\2=on"/ /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot

Run example:

sudo python

Example 2 added:

  • Importing configuration files for configuration of more than one ADC
  • Register access via instance properties
  • Reading ADC samples directly into a NumPy Array.


class ADS1256(__builtin__.object)
|  Python class for interfacing the ADS1256 and ADS1255 analog to
|  digital converters with the Raspberry Pi.
|  This is part of module PiPyADC
|  Download:
|  Default pin and settings configuration is for the Open Hardware
|  "Waveshare High-Precision AD/DA Board"
|  See file for
|  configuration settings and description.
|  Register read/write access is implemented via Python class/instance
|  properties. Commands are implemented as functions.
|  See help(ADS1256) for usage of the properties and functions herein.
|  See for chip registers, flags and commands.
|  Documentation source: Texas Instruments ADS1255/ADS1256
|  datasheet SBAS288:
|  Methods defined here:
|  __init__(self, conf=<module 'PiPyADC.ADS1256_default_config' from 'PiPyADC/ADS1256_default_config.pyc'>)
|      # Constructor for the ADC object: Hardware pin configuration must be
|      # set up at initialization phase and can not be changed later.
|      # Register/Configuration Flag settings are initialized, but these
|      # can be changed during runtime via class properties.
|      # Default config is read from external file (module) import
|  cal_self(self)
|      Perform an input zero and full-scale two-point-calibration
|      using chip-internal circuitry connected to VREFP and VREFN.
|      Sets the ADS1255/ADS1256 OFC and FSC registers.
|  cal_self_gain(self)
|      Perform an input full-scale calibration
|      using chip-internal circuitry connected to VREFP and VREFN.
|      Sets the ADS1255/ADS1256 FSC register.
|  cal_self_offset(self)
|      Perform an input zero calibration using chip-internal
|      reference switches.
|      Sets the ADS1255/ADS1256 OFC register.
|  cal_system_gain(self)
|      Set the ADS1255/ADS1256 FSC register such that the current
|      input voltage corresponds to a full-scale output value.
|      The input multiplexer must be set to the appropriate pins first.
|  cal_system_offset(self)
|      Set the ADS1255/ADS1256 OFC register such that the
|      current input voltage corresponds to a zero output value.
|      The input multiplexer must be set to the appropriate pins first.
|  read_and_next_is(self, diff_channel)
|      Reads ADC data of presently running or already finished
|      conversion, sets and synchronises new input channel config
|      for next sequential read.
|      Arguments:  8-bit code value for differential input channel
|                      (See definitions for the REG_MUX register)
|      Returns:    Signed integer conversion result for present read
|      This enables rapid dycling through different channels and
|      implements the timing sequence outlined in the ADS1256
|      datasheet (Sept.2013) on page 21, figure 19: "Cycling the
|      ADS1256 Input Multiplexer".
|      Note: In most cases, a fixed sequence of input channels is known
|      beforehand. For that case, this module implements the function:
|      read_sequence(ch_sequence)
|          which automates the process for cyclic data acquisition.
|  read_async(self)
|      Read ADC result as soon as possible
|      Arguments:  None
|      Returns:    Signed integer ADC conversion result
|      Issue this command to read a single conversion result for a
|      previously set /and stable/ input channel configuration.
|      For the default, free-running mode of the ADC, this means
|      invalid data is returned when not synchronising acquisition
|      and input channel configuration changes.
|      To avoid this, after changing input channel configuration or
|      with an external hardware multiplexer, use the hardware SYNC
|      input pin or use the sync() method to restart the
|      conversion cycle before calling read_async().
|      Because this function does not implicitly restart a running
|      acquisition, it is faster that the read_oneshot() method.
|  read_oneshot(self, diff_channel)
|      Restart/re-sync ADC and read the specified input pin pair.
|      Arguments:  8-bit code value for differential input channel
|                      (See definitions for the REG_MUX register)
|      Returns:    Signed integer conversion result
|      Use this function after waking up from STANDBY mode.
|      When switching inputs during a running conversion cycle,
|      invalid data is acquired.
|      To prevent this, this function automatically restarts the
|      conversion cycle after configuring the input channels.
|      The resulting delay can be avoided. See functions:
|      read_and_next_is(diff_channel)
|          for cyclic single-channel reads and:
|      read_sequence()
|          for cyclic reads of multiple channels at once.
|  read_reg(self, register)
|      Returns data byte from the specified register
|      Argument: register address
|  read_sequence(self, ch_sequence, ch_buffer=None)
|      Reads a sequence of ADC input channel pin pairs
|      Argument1:  Tuple (list) of 8-bit code values for differential
|                  input channel pins to read sequentially in a cycle.
|                  (See definitions for the REG_MUX register)
|                  This argument is optional. Defaults are read from
|                  configuration file and can be set via property
|                  "ch_sequence".
|      Argument2:  List (array, vector, buffer) of signed integer conversion
|                  results for the sequence of input channels.
|      Returns:    List (array, vector, buffer) of signed integer conversion
|                  results for the sequence of input channels.
|      This implements the timing sequence outlined in the ADS1256
|      datasheet (Sept.2013) on page 21, figure 19: "Cycling the
|      ADS1256 Input Multiplexer" for cyclic data acquisition.
|  reset(self)
|      Reset all registers except CLK0 and CLK1 bits
|      to reset values and Polls for DRDY change / timeout afterwards.
|  standby(self)
|      Put chip in low-power standby mode
|  sync(self)
|      Restart the ADC conversion cycle with a SYNC + WAKEUP
|      command sequence as described in the ADS1256 datasheet.
|      This is useful to restart the acquisition cycle after rapid
|      changes of the input signals, for example when using an
|      external input multiplexer or after changing ADC configuration
|      flags.
|  wait_DRDY(self)
|      Delays until the configured DRDY input pin is pulled to
|      active logic low level by the ADS1256 hardware or until the
|      DRDY_TIMEOUT in seconds has passed.
|      Arguments: None
|      Returns: None
|      The minimum necessary DRDY_TIMEOUT when not using the hardware
|      pin, can be up to approx. one and a half second, see datasheet..
|      Manually invoking this function is necessary when using the
|      automatic calibration feature (ACAL flag). Then, use wait_DRDY()
|      after every access that changes the PGA gain bits in
|      ADCON register, the DRATE register or the BUFFEN flag.
|  wakeup(self)
|      Wake up the chip from standby mode.
|      See datasheet for settling time specifications after wake-up.
|      Data is ready when the DRDY pin becomes active low.
|      You can then use the read_oneshot() function to read a new
|      sample of input data.
|      Call standby() to enter standby mode again.
|  write_reg(self, register, data)
|      Writes data byte to the specified register
|      Arguments: register address, data byte (uint_8)
|  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Data descriptors defined here:
|  __dict__
|      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
|  __weakref__
|      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
|  adcon
|      Get/Set value of the ADC configuration register, REG_ADCON.
|      Note: When the AUTOCAL flag is enabled, this causes a
|      wait_DRDY() timeout.
|  chip_ID
|      Get the numeric ID from the ADS chip.
|      Useful to check if hardware is connected.
|      Value for the ADS1256 on the Waveshare board seems to be a 3.
|  drate
|      Get/Set value of the ADC output sample data rate by setting
|      the DRATE register (REG_DRATE).
|      This configures the hardware integrated moving average filter.
|      When changing the register during a running acquisition,
|      invalid data is sampled. In this case, call the sync() method
|      to restart the acquisition cycle.
|      The available data rates are defined in
|  fsc
|      Get/Set the three full-scale adjustment registers, OFC0..2.
|      This property is supposed to be a positive integer value.
|      Gets/sets 24-bit unsigned int value in three 8-bit-registers.
|  gpio
|      Get the logic level of the four GPIO pins, returned as
|      a four-bit bitmask or Set the status of the GPIO register,
|      REG_IO, where the most significant four bits represent the
|      pin direction, and the least significant four bits determine
|      the output logic level.
|      A timeout/debounce for the reading is not implemented.
|  mux
|      Get/Set value of ADC analog input multiplexer register,
|      REG_MUX, used for selecting any arbitrary pair of input pins
|      as a differential input channel. For single-ended measurements,
|      choose NEG_AINCOM as the second input pin.
|      The most significant four bits select the positive input pin.
|      The least significant four bits select the negative input pin.
|      Example: ads1256.mux = POS_AIN4 | NEG_AINCOM.
|      When switching inputs during a running conversion cycle,
|      invalid data is acquired.
|      To prevent this, you must restart the conversion using the
|      sync() function or the SYNC hardware pin before doing an
|      async_read().
|      The resulting delay can be avoided. See functions:
|      read_and_next_is(diff_channel)
|          for cyclic single-channel reads and:
|      read_sequence()
|          for cyclic reads of multiple channels at once.
|  ofc
|      Get/Set the three offset compensation registers, OFC0..2.
|      This property is supposed to be a signed integer value.
|      Gets/sets 24-bit two's complement value in three 8-bit-registers.
|  pga_gain
|      Get/Set ADC programmable gain amplifier setting.
|      The available options for the ADS1256 are:
|      1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64.
|      This function sets the ADCON register with the code values
|      defined in file
|      Note: When changing the gain setting at runtime, with activated
|      ACAL flag (AUTOCAL_ENABLE), this causes a Wait_DRDY() timeout
|      for the calibration process to finish.
|  status
|      Get/Set value of ADC status register, REG_STATUS (8 bit).
|      For available settings flag options, see datasheet and file
| Note: When enabling the AUTOCAL
|      flag, any subsequent access to the BUFEN flag, DRATE register
|      (drate property) or PGA gain setting (gain property) will cause
|      an additional delay for completion of hardware auto-calibration.
|  v_per_digit
|      Get ADC LSB weight in volts per numeric output digit.
|      Readonly: This is a convenience value calculated from
|      gain and v_ref setting.
|  v_ref
|      Get/Set ADC analog reference input voltage differential.
|      This is only for calculation of output value scale factor.


Python classes for interfacing Texas Instruments analog-to-digital converters with the Raspberry Pi







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