This is a simple program to make sure the machine we are running on actually gives us enough cores
Relatively light:
- cmake (>= 2.6.0)
- gcc (tested and works with 4.9.2, older version may or may not work)
- boost-thread (tested with version 1.55)
Use cmake. Remember -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Run as
./thread_test <number of threads to spawn>
./thread_test 16
This is the important test, as it usually fails
use the following command (*remember, this is only for testing or "benchmarking"):
bsub -W 00:30 -n 16 -R "span[ptile=16]" mpirun -np 1 -pernode ./thread_test 16
or we can submit with bind to none (usually works, somehow):
bsub -W 00:30 -n 16 -R "span[ptile=16]" mpirun --bind-to-none -np 1 -pernode ./thread_test 16
This usually works fine:
bsub -W 00:30 -n 16 ./thread_test 16
We expect that using multiple threads will be faster than using one thread
If NUM_THREADS > 1, we do not expect "Clock time used" and "Time used" to be equal (or close).
We should get the same result running through MPI with a single process, and running the same single process directly.
We expect that (very) roughly
Clock time used = NUM_THREADS * Time used
Done on Euler cluster 2015-11-06 (without MPI) (we do not expect the sum to be equal):
16 threads:
Using NUM_THREADS = 16
Time used: 16
Ticks used: 171140000
Clock time used (s): 171
Sum = 35.5088
8 threads:
Time used: 22
Ticks used: 173140000
Clock time used (s): 173
Sum = 36.0766
24 threads:
Using NUM_THREADS = 24
Time used: 12
Ticks used: 174010000
Clock time used (s): 174
Sum = 36.1827
Anything where the runtime is not affected by the number of threads use, eg the following is NOT CORRECT:
Using NUM_THREADS = 12
Time used: 153
Ticks used: 153230000
Clock time used (s): 153
Sum = 36.3002
git clone
module load cmake
module load gcc/4.9.2
module load boost/1.55.0
cd thread_test
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Try first with MPI (this will not give expected results):
bsub -W 00:30 -n 16 -R "span[ptile=16]" mpirun -np 1 -pernode ./thread_test 16
then without (will give expected results):
bsub -W 00:30 -n 16 ./thread_test 16
we can also add the --bind-to-none option to mpirun, and things will magically work:
bsub -W 00:30 -n 16 -R "span[ptile=16]" mpirun --bind-to-none -np 1 -pernode ./thread_test 16
There is also a simple python program available that closely resembles real life use of mpi4py in Python calling a C++ executable. This test more closely resemble the simulation we actually do.
The test program uses mpi4py and executes (as a binary executable) the generated C++ program.
To submit it, use the following comand (without --bind-to-none we do not get the expected speed up) RUN FROM BUILD DIRECTORY:
bsub -W 00:30 -n <T*N> -R "span[ptile=T]" mpirun --bind-to-none -pernode -np N python2.7 ../ <T>
where N is the number of nodes and T is the number of threads. Eg:
bsub -W 00:30 -n 48 -R "span[ptile=48]" mpirun --bind-to-none -pernode -np 2 python2.7 ../ 48
The sole purpose of this test program is to make sure we can intermingle C++ binaries and Python in this way.