The 'TypePKI' library is an opensource free TypeScript PKI library which is the successor of the long lived jsrsasign library.
The 'typepki-jwt' is a JWT(JSON Web Token) and JWS(JSON Web Signatures) sub module for TypePKI library.
- signing and verifying JWS(JSON Web Signatures)
- verifying JWT(JSON Web Token)
- Dual CommonJS/ES module package supporting CommonJS(CJS) and ES modules
This supports asymmetric private key or shared key of CrytoKey object of W3C Crypto API for signing. It may be useful to generate a key or import a key by using typepki-webcrypto module.
import { importPEM } from "typepki-webcrypto";
const prvkey = await importPEM("-----BEGIN PRIVATE...", "SHA256withRSA");
Now you can generate JWS signature.
import { signJWS } from "typepki-jwt";
const sJWS = await signJWS("RS256", prvkey, "eyJOe...", "eyJpc...");
"sJWS" will be a string such like "eyJOe...".
It is even easier if you specify the PEM or HMAC key string directly instead of the CryptoKey object:
const sJWS = await signJWS("RS256", "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY...", "eyJOe...", "eyJpc...");
Verifying JWS will be similar way. Importing a public key first:
import { importPEM } from "typepki-webcrypto";
const pubkey = await importPEM("-----BEGIN PUBLIC...", "SHA256withRSA");
Verifying JWS signature will be:
import { verifyJWS } from "typepki-jwt";
const isValid = await verifyJWS(sJWS, pubkey, ["RS256", "RS384", "RS512"]);
NOTE: It is strongly recommended to specify the "acceptAlgs" optional argument such like "['RS256', 'RS384']" to prevent algorithm down grade attacks.
Verifying JWT will be similar to JWS by {@link verifyJWS}. To verify JWT you need to specify JWT acceptable parameters by {@link JWTVerifyOption}. Whey you want to accept JWT tokens with:
- with HS256 and HS384 signature algorithms
- "" or "" as issuers
- verify at current time (by without verifyAt member)
JWTVerifyOption will be following
const opt: JWTVerifyOption = {
alg: ["HS256", "HS384"],
iss: ["", ""],
Then you can verify a JWT by {@link verifyJWT} funciton.
await verifyJWT("eyJ...", key, opt) -> true