Read Octopus Balance with Arduino Nano + PN532 NFC RFID module
Connection Diagram:
Nano PN532 b
+------+ +------+
+ +5V +----------+ VCC +
+ GND +----------+ GND +
+ A5 +----------+ SCL +
+ A4 +----------+ SDA +
+------+ +------+
The software initiate a InListPassiveTarget command to poll for an octopus card, then it send a "Read Without Encryption" command to the card with service code 0x117 to read 16 bytes from the card. The first 4 bytes (big endian) contain the adjusted balance.
The balance can be calculated by
(adjusted balance - 350)/10 Folder NDEF, PN532, PN532_I2C should be copied to libraries folder of Arduino
- I have to modify the buffer size of "Wire.h" and "twi.h" from 32 to 64, in order to make the program work
- I tested with several octopus cards and octopus watches, but the program unable read some of them.