1). React
3). Firebase
4). Bootstrap
5). Pagination with React Router (Homepage and Serach Page)
6). Mega Menu
7). Fetching Articles serving NodeJs and MongoDB Database
8). Comments, user rating saved in MongoDB
I developed a complex website project using Node.js, MongoDB, Next.js, and SSR to showcase my full-stack development skills. This project served as an opportunity for me to learn and implement various technologies and techniques to produce a high-quality and functional application.
The front-end of the project includes various features such as server-side rendering, pagination with react-router-dom, a dynamic mega menu, persist layout across multiple components, and a responsive design achieved through Tailwind CSS.
The back-end of the project features the ability to fetch articles based on queries such as page, size, and limit, error handling, and the storage of comments and inputs in the database.
This project serves as a real-life example of my full-stack development skills, showcasing my ability to work with multiple technologies and implement various features to produce a high-quality and functional application. Check out the code and demo on GitHub to see my work in action.
Email: kkp785216@gmail.com
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.