Kendra Kuivenhoven
This app allows users to document and rate skate spots in urban and rural areas. Users will also be able to rate, see other ratings of documented skate spots, and reply to rating descriptions. Users can also follow, unfollow, and block other users. Users can sort through the ratings and view the highest rated skate spots and lowest rated skate spots. Users can filter through skate spots based on selected criteria. Each individual skate spot show page has a recommender as well as a table listing all skate spots within a 60 mile radius.
If used, additional resources, tutorials and sources that pertain to a particular file or feature are listed in comments at the top of the file.
The book "Ruby on Rails Tutorial" by Michael Hartl ( taught me the rudimentary fundamentals needed to build a strong and solid understanding of MVC and Ruby on Rails. I recommend his book to all whom seek to understand Ruby on Rails.