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Open a PR with a fix or feature, and I'll merge it ASAP.

Reporting bugs

There's probably a bunch of them, so open an issue in this repo and I'll take a look at it.

Helping out

I pay for hosting out of my own pocket, but you can help keep online here. This way you're supporting my other projects, too.
You can also host your own version/instance of this project, if you somehow have a free hosting option :)

How to run the project

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Add a .env file in the katedrala-frontend folder, it should include the keys REACT_APP_API_URL and REACT_APP_API_URL_DEV, with links to the API.
  • The default running URL for the backend is localhost:3001
  • When running with npm start, the app will use the REACT_APP_API_URL_DEV key
  • When runnning npm run build, the app will use the REACT_APP_API_URL key
  1. First run:
  • Run npm install in the katedrala-frontend folder
  • Run npm install in the katedrala-backend folder
  1. npm start inside the katedrala-backend folder
  2. npm start inside the katedrala-frontend folder
  3. Done!

How to build


  • npm run build This generates a static build ready for serving


  • tsc Then to run: node dist/index.js

API Definition

GET /getId | string

Returns a uuid string. Used in the frontend to identify a player.

GET /getPieces | boolean[][][]

Returns all pieces, so they can be indexed on the frontend by their ID instead of the whole arrays being sent on every request.

POST /createGame | string

  • Query parameters:
    • uid required - The player's UUID Creates a new game and returns its ID.

POST /startGame/:id

Start game with id

POST /placePiece/:id

Place a piece

  • Query parameters:
    • uid required - The player's UUID
  • Body:
    • pieceId: number required - The ID of the piece to place
    • position: [x:number, y:number] required - Where to place the piece
    • orientation: number required - Orientation of the piece
  • Returns
    • Status 200 Piece placed.
    • Status 400 Invalid move.
    • Status 404 Game not found.

EventSource /gameStream/:id

Connects to a game. If there are already 2 players, or the game has started, connects as a spectator (unless the connecting player is one of the players in the game).

  • Query parameters:
    • uid required - The player's UUID
    • usr required - The player's username
  • Returns
    • Status 200
      • Sends back a Game object (stringified, needs to be JSON.parse'd) inside when the game state is updated
    • Status 404 Game not found.


Game {
    // Game ID
	id: string; 
    // Current state of the fields
	boardState: BoardState; 
    // Players
	players: { [key: string]: Player };
    // The timestamp of the last move in seconds since epoch
	lastMoveTime: number;
    // Number of players
	numPlayers: number;
    // Has the game started?
	started: boolean;
    // Has the game finished?
	finished: boolean;
    // If this is set, the game is over,
    // and the winner is the player with this UUID
	winner?: string;
    // The UUID of the player who created the game
	creator: string;
    // ID of the last move, needed for EventSource
	moveId: number;
    // EventSources subscribed to this game
	listeners: { [key: string]: express.Response };
Player {
	playerId: string;
	username: string;
	color: string;
    // Pieces in the player's hand
	availablePieces: Piece[];
    // Is it this player's turn?
	isTurn: boolean;
    // Is the player connected?
	connected: boolean;
BoardState {
    // The 10x10 fields of the board
	fields: BoardField[][]; 
BoardField {
    // If set, a piece lays on this field
    // If this is set, and playerId is null/undefined,
    // this piece is the Cathedral
	pieceId?: number;

    // If this is set, and pieceId is not,
    // this is a territory of playerId
    // If this AND pieceId are set,
    // the pieceId on this field belongs to playerId
	playerId?: string;
class Piece {
    // The ID of this piece
    // In this case, the ID is the index of the piece
    // in the /getPieces array
	pieceId: number;




The KATEDRALA browser game repository







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