This is a command-line tool for finding and reporting dead links (e.g., broken URLs) in a file. Users might use this tool to help locate broken URLs in an HTML page, text file, and so on. This tool can handle multiple files at the same time.
- Copy and paste the link into a terminal or visual studio code with the following command: git clone
- To start the tool use the cd command to make sure you are in the correct folder and then install all the dependencies using the npm command: npm i
- Enter the command to start the tool. You need to mention the file name.
This tool checks whether the link is broken or not. There are four status code it checks
- 200: If the status code is 200, it means the link is good. It prints out the result with green color
- 400 or 404: If the status code is 400 or 404, it means the link is broken. If prints out the result with red color
- Else: If the status code is not among those numbers, it means it has an unknown issue with status code. It prints out the result with a grey color
If you enter -s argument, this tool checks both http:// and https://
When the link starts with https://, this tool checks whether the link is broken or not if it changes to http://.
Also, when the link starts with http://, this tool checks whether the lilnk is broken or not if the changes to https://.
When you enter -h argument, this tool prints out the usage of this tool.
Multiple arguments can be used at the same time (ex. url-fi -vsh [FILENAME])
1. -v: Running the tool with the v argument prints the name of the tool and its version
2. -s: Running the tool with the s argument checks whether http:// urls actually work using https://
3. -h: Running the tool with the h argument prints the usage of the tool