This program requires a RaspPi 4 and a nRF52-DK with installed Bluetooth LE Sniffer (see Nordic Semi documentation) firmware to capture and visualize live Bluetooth LE RSSI data. The image for use on the RaspPi 4 is available from the download link below.
RaspPi 4 Ubuntu 18.04 BTLE Sniffer Image
The default username and password for the image is Ubuntu/pact2020.
Follow the steps here to write the image to a bootable SD card. The static ip address is set to and requires a hard-wired connection to the same LAN that the controlling PC is connected to.
The RaspPi 4 4GB model can be purchased here.
The nRF52-DK can be purchased here
The program generates three plots showing the measured RSSI on each of the available Bluetooth LE advertising channels (37, 38, 39). Additionally, the stats for each channel are shown. All data is saved in an output file in the same folder as the script as "btle_sniffer.out" (raw data file from tshark stream), "btle_sniffer_*.csv" (common MIT-LL Pact Data Format), btle_sniffer_*.pcapng (Binary Wireshark packer capture), and stats_btle*.txt (dump of dataset statistics). In order to run the program, a Linux installation with ssh client, wireshark/tshark, python3, pysimplegui, and matplotlib is required. For convenience, the following OVA (Open Virtualization Framework) Ubuntu 18.04 VM can be downloaded and used. It is fully configured with this software and the packages required to run it.
The default username and password for the VM is pact/pact.
The OVA file can be imported into VirtualBox and then run. In order to update the btle_sniffer repo on the VM to the latest run "git fetch --all" in the btle_sniffer folder from a terminal window. This OVA image is preconfigured to work with this program and is set up for the nRF52-DK to both program it and use it; follow the instructions within the HOWTO file on the VM desktop to program the sniffer firmware on the nRF52-DK. Everything else is already configured per the Nordic Semi guide.
The program is executed on the computer running Linux, which connects to the RaspPi 4 and the BTLE sniffer using commands piped over ssh. The BTLE sniffer from Nordic Semi does not work with tshark (only wireshark), so a capture is initiated to a local file on the RaspPi 4 that is then streamed to the local Linux computer and consumed by the btle_sniffer program. The GUI is rendered using a TkAgg backend for the Matplotlib and PySimpleGUI libraries.
The user interface is shown below.
The Combo Box for the advertising address allows the user to filter the display on a specific Bluetooth MAC address. The list of addresses can be updated using the "Refresh Addr List" button. Selecting '* *' results in all data being displayed. To make any changes take effect click the OK button. To end the capture and close all Windows, close the Wireshark capture window. The program will then prompt for metadata associated with the capture and then exit.
The raw streaming output file format is:
Timestamp, Channel, Src Addr, Adv Addr, RSSI
The common data format file is shown below:
An additional Matlab script has been provided for reading in and processing the data in the output file. The script creates a plot for each channel's RSSI and then calculates and prints the statistics for each dataset. The script usage is shown below:
To enable fully automated testing of different bluetooth devices, the btle_sniffer program integrates with my EMCenter-Controller python module. This module allows a scripted movement profile to be automatically executed without any user action required once the phone is mounted on the antenna positioner mast. The scripted profile that is currently implemented in the module takes 5 minute capture from 0-360 degrees and 45 degree increments on the horizontal axis; Then two addtional movement captures are taken with the positioner rotating around the vertical and horizontal axes with the positioner scanning between it min and max limits; data is continuously captured during this movement. All data in the pact_data folder shows captures with this same angle/position profile.