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Repository files navigation

Mini Web App README

This is a minimal web application built with Flask and SQLite for storing and viewing contact information.

Files and Components is the main Python script that defines the Flask application and its routes. Here's a breakdown of its functionality:

  • The main route (/) displays a contact form that allows users to submit Name, Address, and Phone Number.

  • Upon submitting the form, the data is stored in a SQLite database (mydatabase.db).

  • The "View Form" button on the main page navigates users to the /view route.

  • The /view route queries the SQLite database and displays the stored contact information in a table format.


view.html is an HTML template used to render the contact information stored in the database. It displays a table with columns for ID, Name, Address, and Phone Number.

  • Users can navigate back to the main form by clicking the "Back to Form" link.

Shell Script ( is a shell script for setting up a virtual environment (venv) and installing project dependencies from a requirements.txt file.

  • The script creates a venv in the project folder and activates it.

  • It then installs the required Python packages listed in requirements.txt.

  • After successful installation, the script echoes "Successfully installed."


  1. Clone this repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project folder:

    cd mini-web-app
  3. Run the shell script to set up the virtual environment and install dependencies:

  4. Start the Flask application:

  5. Access the web application in your browser by visiting http://localhost:5000.

  6. Fill out the contact form, submit data, and use the "View Form" button to see the stored contact information.


  • Flask (Python web framework)
  • SQLite3 (Database engine)
  • Jinja2 (Template engine)