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Fix errors in xml document that make it invalid according to TEI P5


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Fix errors in xml document that make it invalid according to TEI P5


Install from github repository:

$ pip install git+


  • Python >= 3.8
  • lxml >= 4.0

To run tests, you also need:

  • pytest >= 7.0


tei-transform allows command-line usage:

 $ tei-transform --help
usage: tei-transform [-h] [--transformation TRANSFORMATION [TRANSFORMATION ...]]
                     [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--output OUTPUT]
                     [--no-validation | --copy-valid | --ignore-valid] [--add-revision]

Parse xml-files that have some errors (that make them invalid according to TEI P5) and apply
transformations to the file content and save to new file. The old file is not changed. There
are options to validate files before processing to e.g. ignore valid files. Files are
validated against the Relax NG scheme of the current version of the TEI guidelines

positional arguments:
  file_or_dir           File or directory to process

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Observer plugins that should be used to transform the file content. If
                        no plugin is passed, the default setting will be used
                        ('schemalocation, id-attribute, teiheader, notesstmt, filename-
  --config-file CONFIG_FILE, -c CONFIG_FILE
                        Name of configuration file. In this file optional configurations for
                        plugins can be defined as well as the information for the revision
                        entry. See the documentation of the plugins for available
                        configurations. The format should be INI.
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Name of output directory to store transformed file in. If the
                        directory doesn't exist, it will be created. Default is 'output'.
  --no-validation       Do not validate files before processing. This is the default setting.
                        Valid files will be written to output directory with new timestamp but
                        without changes to the xml tree. An xml-declaration is added as
                        default and the formatting of the document may change.
  --copy-valid          Validate files before processing and copy valid files from input
                        directory to output directory, trying to preserve metadata (i.e.
                        timestamps are preserved, permissions if possible).
  --ignore-valid        Validate files before processing and ignore valid file during
                        processing. Only transformed files are written to the output
  --add-revision, -r    Add an entry to <revisionDesc/> in the header. Default is FALSE. This
                        option requires the --config-file argument. The config file should
                        contain a section [revision] with the entries 'person = Firstname
                        Lastname', 'reason = reason why the file was changed' and an optional
                        'date = YYYY-MM-DD'. If the person entry should contain multiple
                        names, separate them by comma. If no date parameter is passed, the
                        current date will be inserted.

The file_or_dir argument takes the path to the file or directory of files you want to process.

For all available transformation plugins, see Available Plugins. For some plugins, the are configuration options, see docs for usage and options.

If you want to add an entry in the section of the transformed document, you can use the argument --add-revision and pass the name of the config file with the --config-file option. This file should then contain the following section (The date entry is optional.):

person = Name of the responsible person
reason = Reason how the file changed
date = YYYY-MM-DD

This will be rendered as a <change/> element and added as last child to <revisionDesc/>. If a <revisionDesc/> element was not part of the teiHeader before, it is added as last child of the <teiHeader/> element. The <change/> element will appear as follows in the document:

<change when="YYYY-MM-DD">
  <name>Name of the responsible person</name>Reason how the file changed

N.B.: Make sure that the <revisionDesc/> of the document(s) that are processed contains only <change/> or <listChange/> elements as direct children. If the original format uses <list/>, the resulting document might not be valid.


$ tei-transform file.xml  --transformation schemalocation id-attribute

This will apply the transformations defined for the schemalocation and id-attribute plugins.

Add Plugins

To customize the transformations, you can add your own plugin that specifies a transformation. To do so, you should add an observer that implements the interface of the AbstractNodeObserver, i.e. it should define how to recognise the nodes it is going to act on and the change it will apply to these nodes.

Then, you need to register the plugin in the pyproject.toml as an entry point under the node_observer section, e.g.

id-attribute = tei_transform.id_attribute_observer:IdAttributeObserver

After that, install the plugin, e.g. with

$ pip install plugin


Copyright © 2022 Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften.

This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0.


Fix errors in xml document that make it invalid according to TEI P5







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