debugger2 is a fork of [debugger] ( for Ruby 2.0.
It uses only external C-APIs. Not of Ruby core sources.
(and debugger is a fork of ruby-debug(19) that works on 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 and installs easily for rvm/rbenv rubies :)
I want to merge original debugger if it has no problem. So debugger2 may be obsolete. Feel free to give us your comments.
First clone this repository:
git clone
Next, compile the extension:
rake compile
Build the gem package and install it:
gem build debugger2.gemspec
gem install debugger2*.gem
Ruby 2.0.0 or later.
Wherever you need a debugger, simply:
require 'debugger'; debugger
To use with bundler, drop in your Gemfile:
gem 'debugger2', :git => "git://"
At initialization time, debugger loads config files, executing their lines as if they were actual commands a user has typed. config files are loaded from two locations:
/.rdebugrc (/rdebug.ini for windows)- $PWD/.rdebugrc ($PWD/rdebug.ini for windows)
Here's a common configuration (yeah, I should make this the default):
set autolist
set autoeval
set autoreload
To see debugger's current settings, use the set
For a list of commands:
(rdb: 1) help
Most commands are described in rdebug's man page
$ gem install gem-man
$ man rdebug
I forked this project from
Maybe it can work same as debugger'. However, now don't support
post-motem' mode and `threading'.
Please give us your feedback.
Ruby 2.0.0 has debugger support API. No need to install internal headers.
Please report them on github.
All ruby's debugger programmers.
Quote from [original] (
- Thanks to the original authors: Kent Sibilev and Mark Moseley
- Thanks to astashov for bringing in a new and improved test suite and various bug fixes.
- Thanks to windwiny for porting to 2.0.0
- Contributors: ericpromislow, jnimety, adammck, hipe, FooBarWidget, aghull
- Fork started on awesome @relevance fridays!
And I want to say thank you to Asakusa.rb members. They tell me a lot of things, such as how to use github, and so on :).
- Collect feedback.