Golden Images as a service
KoalaLab's mission to help the world use open-source software in a secure manner. 90% of all modern software is open-source but that comes with it's own security risks as 75% of open-source has major vulnerabilities.
KoalaLab is building "Secure OSS container images for everyone" aka golden images. Such golden images change the open-source security paradigm to let developers build on top of secure open-source components thus enhancing security of the software being built and boosting developer productivity.
The bloatware in the container images(of any cloyd-native service) cause unnecessary CVEs apart from being a drag on software performance. KoalaLab's Golden images are built groundup from the source, only containing packages and sub-packages which are sbolutely necessary for the containers to run and hence removing bloatware and hardening/securing the containers.