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Fullstack "hello, world!" using PostgreSQL🐘, a RESTful API powered by PostgREST and a frontend build with React. Also starring the craft beers dataset.

Available for your viewing pleasure at

Live API docs available here.

Getting started

Run the whole stack locally in docker with docker-compose up, this makes the frontend available at http://localhost:8080, the backend at http://localhost:3000 and the swagger API docs at http://localhost:8088.


Using PostgREST as a backend comes with some perks. Besides the beautiful RESTful API that comes with it the OpenAPI support leads to some even more important benefits, like automatically generated clients and API documentation.


  • just is used as a command runner for project specific commands, both locally and in CI/CD;
  • nodejs for npx/bootstrapping of pnpm;
  • openapi-generator to generate or update the API client from the spec;
  • docker to build, tag and push images;
  • docker-compose to run everything locally;

Project specific commands, including CI/CD commands like building of docker images, are kept in the Justfile. Run just -l to get an overview of available commands/tasks.

Nix users can use nix-shell or the ./just wrapper and not worry about dependencies (which is also what the CI/CD pipeline does).


The frontend is a simple React app using react-table and material-ui to make some pretty tables out of an API. Most of the frontend's API consuming code (in frontend/src/generated) is generated with openapi-generator.

Use just serve to start a local auto-refreshing development server on http://localhost:1234 that by default will talk to the backend started with docker-compose up.

Adding/Removing columns

Since our backend is entirely data agnostic and most of the client is automatically generated, adding or removing columns is as simple as editing the column definition in frontend/src/app.tsx.

If the columns do not yet exists in the database you will have to add them to a migration and re-generate the client API code as described in Adding additional datasets.


Because our backend does not do migrations they (and the initial import) are instead handled by a separate very simple mgmt container; build from the mgmt directory. Place your migrations in datasets/<dataset>/init.sql, making sure to keep everything idempotent.

Adding additional datasets

Because so much of the stack is data agnostic, it is actually quite easily adapted to additional datasets:

  • Create a directory for the new dataset in the datasets directory
  • Place .sql files in it that will create and fill the tables. The SQL files are executed in alphabetical order. I'd suggest to either use one init.sql or multiple files prefixed by a number/date. Make sure to keep them idempotent.
  • Start the PostgREST backend (e.g. docker-compose up)
  • Generate the frontend API client (just generate-client http://localhost:3000/)
  • Add the API imports and column definitions to frontend/src/app.tsx

Possible next steps

  • Make the UI aware of foreign key relations;
  • Generate remaining dataset-specific UI code, leaving literally only configuration to specify the database tables and columns
  • Add search and/or filter functionality


You'll need Docker🐋 and a PostgreSQL🐘 database. Pre-build Docker images are available, the docker-compose.yml file can serve as an example of how they tie together. If you are aiming to run on kubernetes I suggest running the mgmt container in the same pod as the PostgREST backend.


docker pull postgrest/postgrest


Environmental Variable Description Example
PGRST_DB_URI Standard URI to the database. postgres://user:password@host:5432/dbname
PGRST_DB_SCHEMA PostgreSQL schema to connect to. public
PGRST_DB_ANON_ROLE PostgreSQL user used for anonymous queries. Make sure you update the migrations (that also create this user) if you change this. anon


docker pull


No configuration needed. If the frontend is access through localhost it will connect to localhost:3000, else it will connect to https://api.<frontend domain>.


docker pull


Environmental Variable Description Example
DB_HOST PostgreSQL database hostname shd-postgres
DB_PORT PostgreSQL database port 5432
DB_USER PostgreSQL database user fullstack-hello
DB_PASSWORD PostgreSQL database password s3cr#t


This component provides the live API documentation and is thus optional from a user-functionality perspective.

docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-ui


Environmental Variable Description Example
URL URL to the OpenAPI spec
BASE_URL Path to serve API docs under /swagger


You're free to use, modify and distribute this software under the terms of the MIT or Apache-2.0 license, whichever has your preference.