During the experiment now.
Gahaha is not yet provided on Maven repository etc.
So, please clone this repository and execute gradle build
Then you can find build/libs/gahaha-{VERSION}.jar
So, you have to include this jar file into your classpath.
e.x.) groovy -cp gahaha-0.1.jar:. test.groovy
is like following.
import gahaha.*
class Person {
String name
Integer age
Person a = new Person(name:"Gahaha!", age:31).save()
assert a.id == 1
assert a.name == "Gahaha!"
assert a.age == 31
new Person(name:"TEST").save()
assert Person.count() == 2
Person.list().each { Person person ->
println "Hello ${person.name}(${person.age})!"