A Clojure library for extracting informations from a HTML page - uses enlive Provides a scraping library and a library for fetching content from urls that uses clj-http
scrap.core library contains macros for creating rules for extractions.
(refer 'scrap.core :only '[an a defrule])
(refer 'scrap.extractors :only '[attribut content attributs data-attrs])
(defrule resources
(an url [:a] {:link (attribut url :href)
:data (data-attrs url)
:name (content url)})
(an url [:link] {:link (attribut url :href)
:data (attributs url #"data\-(.*)")
:name (attribut url :rel)})
(an url [:script] {:link (attribut url :src)
:data (data-attrs url)
:name (attribut url :type)}))
Above we're creating a rule for extracting resources from three different trags :a :link :sript There are some predefined rules defined in scrap.rules
(ns example.core
(:require [scrap.core :as scrap]
[scrap.rules :as rules]
[browser.core :as browser])
(defn test-scrap []
(let [url "https://github.com/kokosro/scrap"
brw (browser/open)
brw-state (brw browser/navigate url :get) ;; fetching urls
response (-> @brw-state
links (scrap/extract rules/resources (response :body))
forms (scrap/extract rules/forms (response :body))
tables (scrap/extract rules/tables (response :body))
articles (scrap/extract rules/articles (response :body))
base-url (scra[/extract rules/base-url (response :body)])]
{:url {:value {:link "#start-of-content", :data {}, :name "Skip to content"}, :content ()}}
{:url {:value {:link "https://github.com/", :data {:ga-click nil}, :name ""}, :content ()}}
{:url {:value {:link "/personal", :data {:ga-click nil, :selected-links nil}, :name "Personal"}, :content ()}}
{:url {:value {:link "/open-source", :data {:ga-click nil, :selected-links nil}, :name "Open source"}, :content ()}}
{:url {:value {:link "/business", :data {:ga-click nil, :selected-links nil}, :name "Business"}, :content ()}}
;and many more.....
Use of [org.clojars.kokos/browser "0.2.0"] is volunary. Any html string would do as the second argument of scrap.core/extract
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.