You can find more on the project's documentation pages
- Gtk 3.14+
- supported hardware.
- fonts-roboto fonts-lato (optionally)
There are the latest releases and installation packages for Debian/Ubuntu flavors and GNOME Extension zip file. You can install downloaded package from GUI package managers like GDEBI or other system utilities or just using CLI.
sudo dpkg -i cpufreq_VERSION_all.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
GNOME Extension repository
You should select Install.../Install Updates...
in the extension menu after installation/updating to finish the configuration.
- autogen automake
- gnome-autogen
- devscripts (for DEB packaging only)
sudo apt-get install autogen automake gnome-common
## for debian packaging
sudo apt-get install devscripts
git clone
cd cpufreq
./ && make
sudo make install
Make a DEB package:
./ && make && make dist
cd packaging/
Make a ZIP package for GNOME Shell:
./ && make && make zip-file
It can be useful if you have saved broken settings values or to clean up previous installation.
You can check this values in the dconf-editor at /org/gnome/shell/extensions/cpufreq/
dconf reset -f "/org/gnome/shell/extensions/cpufreq/"
sudo cpufreqctl --uninstall
If you want reset the extension's values to defaults just run it and restart gnome-shell.
dconf reset -f "/org/gnome/shell/extensions/cpufreq/"
If you have missing symbols you are, probably, missing some fonts, try to install TTF Freefonts, DejaVu and Droid font packages to fix it. Also it's recommended to install Roboto and/or Lato (sudo apt-get install fonts-roboto fonts-lato etc), they are using in the application's UI.