This repo is meant to be up-to-date, providing type-safety and synchronous & asynchronous functions to make development for your projects much easier.
- Read collections.db
- Write collections.db
- Read osu!.db
- Write osu!.db
- Read .osr
- Write .osr
- Read .osu
- Write .osu
To-Be-Completed as updates roll-out.
import * as path from "path";
import {tools} from "osu-functions";
const scores = await tools.scoresRead(path.resolve('PATH TO FILE')) // returns score_type[]
/// Whatever you have to do with result...
import * as path from "path";
import {tools} from "osu-functions";
const scores = await tools.scoresWrite(path.resolve('PATH TO FILE'), "score_type[]") // returns 200 or null
/// Whatever you have to do with result...
mode: number;
version: number;
c300: number;
c100: number;
c50: number;
cGeki: number;
cMiss: number;
cKatu: number;
replayScore: number;
maxCombo: number;
perfectCombo: number;
mods: number;
timestampWindows: string;
timestampMs: number;
onlineScoreId: string;
player: string;
beatmapMd5: string;
replayMd5: string;