This repo is a dedicated place for contributors to the Konveyor project to post general engineering related information of all kinds. This could be everything from technical deep dives to tips and tricks. All contributors welcome, please propose new posts in the form of a PR.
To start a new post, use the following command:
hugo new posts/
Be sure to include hyphens in your file name as we have templates set up that will follow these conventions. You should automatically get the time string included in your post.
We heavily rely on the metadata, or "front matter" for each post to organize
content so it is browseable and searchable. Two items of importance for each
post are ensuring you have updated the authors
values in the head section
(NOTE: this is a set of authors, even if there is only one). Secondly, ensure
you add relevant tags
, and take a look at already existing tags to see if there
are already any in use that would make sense for you to add to your post.
When you use the above "writing a new post" command to start, that should prefill some values based on the default archetype template. Just delete and fill in as you see fit.
Instead of using submodules, we're just committing the theme directly and will manually perform updates as they're not expected to change often and submodules are a pain.
git clone themes/PaperMod --depth=1
rm -rf themes/PaperMod
, reclone to update, rm -rf themes/PaperMod/.git
, commit and PR.
Refer to Konveyor's Code of Conduct here.