- Introduction
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Getting Started
- Data Modeling
- API Endpoints
- Folder Structure
- Deployment (updated)
This project is just like a real-world e-commerce website. It is a full-featured shopping cart with complete backend and frontend support using the MERN stack. See it in action at ShopyNode.
- Frontend: Vite, React.js
- Backend: Node.js, Express.js
- Database: MongoDB
- Other libraries:
- Frontend: React Query, React Router, Axios, React Toastify, MUI
- Backend: Mongoose, Bcryptjs, JSON Web Token
- Full-featured shopping cart
- Product reviews and ratings
- Product pagination
- Product search feature
- User profile with orders
- Admin product management
- Admin user management
- Admin Order details page
- Mark orders as delivered option
- Checkout process (shipping, payment method, etc)
- Database seeder (products, users, reviews, & orders)
git clone https://github.com/korngsamnang/shopynode
Rename the .env.example
file to .env
and add the following
JWT_EXPIRES_IN=your-jwt-expires-in(example: 90d)
JWT_COOKIE_EXPIRES_IN=your-cookie-expires-in(example: 90)
cd frontend
npm install
npm run dev
npm install
npm run dev
john@example.com (Admin)
bob@example.com (Customer)
eva@example.com (Customer)
cd backend
node dev-data/import-dev-data.js --delete # Delete data
node dev-data/import-dev-data.js --import # Import data
- HTTP methods /api/v1/auth
- HTTP methods /api/v1/users
- HTTP methods /api/v1/orders
- HTTP methods /api/v1/products
- HTTP methods /api/v1/reviews
└── 📁backend
└── 📁config
└── 📁controllers
└── 📁dev-data
└── 📁models
└── 📁routes
└── 📁utils
└── app.js
└── server.js
└── 📁frontend
└── index.html
└── 📁public
└── 📁images
└── 📁src
└── 📁admin
└── 📁orders
└── 📁products
└── 📁users
└── 📁contexts
└── 📁features
└── 📁authentication
└── 📁orders
└── 📁products
└── 📁reviews
└── 📁users
└── 📁pages
└── 📁services
└── 📁ui
└── 📁utils
└── App.jsx
└── index.css
└── main.jsx
This project is deployed on Heroku. When you click to visit this project for the first time, there might be a delay in loading the page. This is because the Heroku container may have been temporarily shut down due to inactivity after 30 minutes. Please be patient as it restarts.
Since deploying the whole website on to Heroku (backend and frontend), causes memory exceeded (Error R14 (memory quota exceeded), I separate the backend and the frontend and deploy it onto a different service.