using go search the Marvel universe characters via marvel api
$ go build -a -v -o out/marvel .
Run unit tests
$ go test ./... -v -coverprofile="out/test-reports/cover.out"
Generate unit test report
$ gotestsum --junitfile out/test-reports/unit-tests-report.xml
Generate coverage report
$ go tool cover -html="out/test-reports/cover.out" -o="out/test-reports/cover-report.html"
Generate func based coverage report
$ go tool cover -func="out/test-reports/cover.out" > out/test-reports/cover-func-report.out
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[build] stage run after commit pushed to remote for all branches in Circleci workflows.
You can find the build artifact and test reports under Circleci Artifacts menu of current build.
- [publish-github-release] stage is running only after the tag pushed to remote. It's publish the new release automatically including the binary/assets with your tag name on Github.