Me, playing around with nats.
Just a simple playground for exploring nats, try proto code and experiment before actually using something in prod.
In the main.go
file you can find examples for:
- Setting up a consumer/producer for an async example
- Setting up a request/reply model example for synchronous messages consumption
For running locally a nats server through docker:
docker run --name nats -p 6222:6222 -p 4222:4222 -p 8222:8222 nats:latest
For a demonstration of the whole functionality (just logs printing, nothing fancy), you can run:
docker-compose up
and remember to rebuild if you change the code while experimenting:
docker-compose up --build
and when you're done tear down:
docker-compose down
Note: the docker-compose setup includes two nats services, to showcase a cluster example.
helm upgrade --install test -f .chart/values.yaml --wait --set image.tag=<your image tag>
kubectl create deployment test --image=<your local image name and tag here>
nats-operator link. Will do the namespace-scope installation.
When the operator has been installed, create a nats cluster:
cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
kind: NatsCluster
name: example-nats-cluster
size: 1
version: "1.3.0"
Also, install nats streaming operator and create a nats streaming cluster:
echo '
apiVersion: ""
kind: "NatsStreamingCluster"
name: "example-stan"
size: 3
natsSvc: "example-nats-cluster"
config: {}
' | kubectl apply -f -
- Sync messages support custom limits for what kind of overhead a client will get (eg. limit the amount of messages or the size of them)
- Async messages can define their binding functions
- Timeouts are configurable in pretty much anything
- Simple and clean Go APIs
- Wildcards support in topics/subjects
- Messages can be acked manually
- Message requeue
- Message persistence supported through in-memory, file or sql stores (nats-streaming only)
- (k8s version) TLS support
- (k8s version) separate accounts and permissions support via k8s service accounts
- (k8s version) official helm chart for operator (good for prod use-cases)
This is a project only for demo-ing and showcase purposes. This is not an one-size-fits-all. Every use-case is different. I'd be happy to help if I can, just get in touch with me on Twitter.