WAQI (World Air Quality Index) provides open API for reading air quality data from the stations registered on the project.
Request the WAQI API access token at https://aqicn.org/api/.
token = "<your token>";
aqi = waqi.WAQI(token);
% Get data for the given known city
bangkok = aqi.city("bangkok");
% Get data from the nearest station for given coordinates
seattle = aqi.nearest([47.62050, -122.34930]);
Plot received forecast data:
forecast = seattle.Forecast.pm25;
plot(forecast.Time, forecast.Avg, Color="black", LineWidth=1.5, Color=[0, 0.3, 0.5])
title("Air Quality Forecast")
hold on
plot(forecast.Time, forecast.Max, Color=[0.6, 0.6, 0.6])
plot(forecast.Time, forecast.Min, Color=[0.3, 0.3, 0.3])
legend(["Avg", "Max", "Min"], Location="northwest")
hold off
% Geographic boundary
chiang_mai_area = [
geopoint(19.05580, 98.53775)
geopoint(18.41727, 99.32121)
% Get list of stations
result = aqi.stations(chiang_mai_area)
Result includes locations of returned stations, station information and current readings of AQI:
Display stations on the map:
station_names = [result.Station.Name];
station_descriptions = arrayfun(@(a, t) sprintf("AQI: %.0f<br/>Measured: %s", a, string(t, "M/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss XXX")), result.AQI, result.Timestamp);
colors = cell2mat(arrayfun(@colorcode, result.AQI, UniformOutput=false));
wmmarker(result.Location, FeatureName=station_names, Description=station_descriptions, Color=colors);
% A helper function to color code values of AQI
function color = colorcode(aqi)
if aqi <= 50
% Good
color = [0, 153/255, 102/255];
elseif aqi <= 100
% Moderate
color = [1, 222/255, 51/255];
elseif aqi <= 150
% Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
color = [1, 153/255, 51/255];
elseif aqi <= 200
% Unhealthy
color = [204/255, 0, 51/255];
elseif aqi <= 300
% Very Unhealthy
color = [102/255, 0, 153/255];
% Hazardous
color = [126/255, 0, 35/255];
% Find station with the worst AQI
[~, i] = max(result.AQI);
worst_station = result.Station([i(1)]);
% Get air quality data for given station
measurements = aqi.station(worst_station)