Security advisories published by various network equipment vendors are not machine-readable, or even if they are in a format such as CVRF/CSAF, the descriptions of affected products are unstable, making it difficult to effectively use them.
This repository rewrites these security advisories in a machine-processable format, organizes the affected products, and distributes them in a form that can be used by vulnerability scanners.
And implement tools to assist in the creation of those advisories.
$ go build -a -o network-vuln-feed ./cmd
$ network-vuln-feed help
network-vuln-feed: discover and collect security advisories for network devices
network-vuln-feed [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
discover discover new and updated advisories
help Help about any command
template create a template for a Vuls format advisory
validate validate that a given advisory meets the Vuls format
-h, --help help for network-vuln-feed
Use "network-vuln-feed [command] --help" for more information about a command.