#Integration autotests run
- check the version for python (2.7), java (1.7.0_55), ubuntu (12.04)
- test environment must be prepared by installing additional python packages ####run script from integration_test/scripts/env_preparation/ as a root
- go to integration_test/src/keywords/variables_keywords.robot and change parameters according to your test environment.
Here is the list of possible variables to change:
* ES_ip (IP of one of the elasticsearch nodes)
* ES_port
* db_host (IP/DNS name of the node with InfluxDB installed)
* db_name (data base name in InfluxDB)
* IP_web (logging_web IP)
* Tenant (tenant name for tenant_id)
* ${Domain
* ${Tenant_domain}
* ${Tenant}
* ${username}
* ${keystone_pass}
* ${keystone_v3}
* ${user_demo}
* ${keystone_demo_pass}
* ${Tenant_demo}
* ${Domain_demo}
* ${Tenant_domain_demo}
* ${keystone_demo_v3}
##Script to run tests
cd integration_test/src/
##Commands to run tests
cd integration_test/src/tests/ (or you may run it from the HOME directory)
- Component tests
pybot --include ctc_smoke integration_test/src/tests/
Results will be saved to the file log.html in the working directory
- Smoke integration tests:
pybot --log ITC_test_results.html --include runtime integration_test/src/tests/
Results will be saved to the file ITC_test_results.html in the working directory
- Excluding tests on specified tags
pybot --exclude inprogress --exclude email --exclude logstash integration_test/src/tests/
####The next tags are used in the tests
positive, negative
runtime, critical
ctc_smoke, smoke
kafka_migration_TC, influx_migration_TC, zk_migration_TC, ui_migration_TC, es_migration_TC, redis_migration_TC, qs_migration_TC, ks_migration_TC, storm_migration_TC
If you want to check the environment run the next command:
pybot -i runtime .
#####Kafka component check pybot integration_test/src/tests/CTC_Kafka.robot
#####Elasticsearch component check pybot integration_test/src/tests/CTC_Elasticsearch.robot
#####InfluxDB component check pybot integration_test/src/tests/CTC_InfluxDB.robot
#####REST API of logging web component check pybot --exclude inprogress integration_test/src/tests/CTC_API_LW.robot